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Eddie Murphy joins Batman....


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Yea seriously. But thats what people said about the kingpin too and that turned out alright.


Daredevil did not turn out alright...


I hope Eddie can pull it off. I, too, though Heath would be full of fail but the guy was excellent at his role.

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My option the first batman from 1989 was fucking awesome. The next 2 batman returns and batman forever were blah. Batman Begins was major meh but over all a fair movie. The dark knight made me fap while watching the movie. It was that damn good.
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Yeah, the 1989 Batman was good. Batman Returns was kinda OK. Batman Forever sucked donkey dick, and watching Batman & Robin was like being sodomized with a stick.

Batman Begins was a good movie, but held onto just a little bit of the comic book Gotham. Thankfully, it completely broke away from the previous Batman movies and started over. The Scarecrow was a good place to start, as it gives a back-story for every villain that comes after.


Dark Knight, though, finally did away with comic-book Gotham altogether. No weird architecture, no freaky fifty-story statues on the sides of buildings, just a normal New York style city. That left room for them to concentrate completely on the story. And Holy Shit, did they get it right!

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