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Holy sh*t, this lady vag is like a clown car


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Who the hell wants all those damn kids...seriously

No shit I have 4 dogs and I can't wait till a few die and we thin the herd.


18 god damn children...Shit they probably just fall out if the womb now, and look at the ages of them all. Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth, Fuck, get prego, give birth. No thanks!

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I still don't know why the U.S. doesn't put a cap on the # of kids you can have like China does. 2 max. Anymore, and you're on your own.


Am I the only one that thinks humanity's downfall wil be overpopulation?


Stop fucking for Christ's sake.

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