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This week in Gun News.... NSSF briefs...


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ACTOR HELPS PHOENIX POLICE BUY AR-15 RIFLES . . . Actor David Spade gave the Phoenix Police Department quite a Christmas gift. The Associated Press reports that Spade donated $100,000, so the department could buy approximately 50 AR-15 rifles. Spade said he donated the money after seeing a TV news report about Phoenix police having to buy their own rifles. "These guys need to be able to do their jobs and I am just happy I could help," Spade said.


GUN CONTROL IN THE LIVING ROOM . . . When an aging father gives his most cherished hunting rifle to a son, both are taking part in a tradition of passing on the family heritage. But if some firearms prohibitionists had their way, the father would be a felon. Read Russ Stewart's column in the Duluth News Tribune about his father passing on a Savage Model 219 single-shot 30-30 deer rifle, and how legislative efforts in Minnesota (and elsewhere) would limit this freedom.

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