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I'm a COMPLETE NOOB. Point me in a good direction.

Radio Flyer1647545514

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For the past year or just over I've been up and down on getting my motorcycle license, and purchasing a bike.


I do plan on signing up for the safety classes when registration opens.


I'm used to driving a manual tranny, and don't plan on going 6ft underground anytime soon so safety is my first concern with all of this. I know the proper gear is a must.


Basically I have a few questions.

What is the average cost for riding gear.


I've been looking into a GSXR 600, early 2k models. I don't want something with to much power, but I want to be able to have some fun when that open road is there.


Basically, give me the noob treatment on Cost, Maintenance/ Upkeep, and most important, safety of which I have not listed above.

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good leather jacket $250 - $500

good helmet $150 - $500

Good leather gloves $40 - $120

Riding boots/shoes $80 - $350


me personally i dont wear leather pants. but you can get them around $200 - $500

ill probably go with a coretech, or kevlar lined jean this summer $90 - $200


Bike wise, everyone says sv650 or the likes as a good starter bike, my thoughts are this, you can kill yourself on any bike. you have to respect what you ride. and a gsxr 600 is gonna be fast. so as long as you treat it with respect and learn the bike i dont think youll have a problem. i think its good idea to buy used first cause if you drop/wreck it, your not out a new bike.


maintenance wise, kind of like a car. treat it well and it will treat you well.

change the oil (roughly $50 for an oil change doing it yourself with some decent oil)

make sure you get your chain lubed properly and at the times its needed. and adjust it if it needs adjusted

brake pads are roughly the same as car pads, roughly $30 a set, so if you replaced them all $90

tires, dont let them get bad on tread, showing cords, cupping, etc. that can lead to bad things.

tires are range from $200 a set to $500 a set depends on what type of riding you do and brand of tire.


some things you might want to purchase if the bike you get doesnt have. frame sliders. in case you do go down this will save the bike to some point.


safety wise, the msf course is a great way to get your license and learn alot in the process.


the main thing i can say is dont let your ignorant friends provoke you into driving fast doing wheelies etc. especially when your just learning to ride. there is a learning curve and you dont want to go out and be mad tight stunter yo and wad you and your bike up.

or be the fucking i270 superbike top speed runner either.

jsut be smart about what your doing and youll be just fine.


beign a squid will net you alot of tickets, a wrecked bike, and some broken bones or even worse.

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oh and if you have never ridden a motorcycle at all with a clutch, try a friends dritbike, or 4 wheeler out to get the feel of the clutch.


all i can say is its a whole different experience. and you want to be prepared for it. and coming in with a smart and head on your shoulder attitude is what you need, especially at your age

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I'm not looking at anything new at all. I'm looking in a 3-4k price range.


What is considered low miles, and high miles on a bike?


I don't plan on doing/ trying any wheelies/ stunt anything anytime soon, if at all to be honest with you.


My friend has a dirtbike I'm sure he would show me some basics on to get me started.


Thanks for the start off help.


So other than a SV650, what other bikes do you recommend looking at?


Also, lubing chain is what every 500 miles?

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I don't plan on doing/ trying any wheelies/ stunt anything anytime soon, if at all to be honest with you.


My friend has a dirtbike I'm sure he would show me some basics on to get me started.


Thanks for the start off help.


Also, lubing chain is what every 500 miles?


honestly i dont know, i do mine when i think it needs it.


i got my R6 right before winter, its an 04 used.


i went through the whole bike.

i changed the coolant out, changed the oil, flushed and replaced the brake fluid, checked brakes/ put new ones on where needed, put new tires on, made sure i had a good battery, changed the air filter out (K&N), probably gonna change the plugs as well... made sure brake lights, head lights , etc work, i actually put a new chain and sprocket set on (the bike needed it, so i upgraded and but a 520 chain kit and vortex sprockets. i cleaned up any areas that get grimey, like near the front sprocket (chain lube/wax gets built up in there) and bottom of the motor.


you can check the wheel bearings as well.


i like to go over the bike to make sure everything is in shape for next season, especially on a used bike!

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well i pay $126 a year for my bike through progressive

youll probably pay $1800 or so a year through progressive, no seriously you might


it really depends on bike, your age, and driving record.

in your case, age and the bike you want not gonna be good. and if your driving record is bad then its really gonna be sky high

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I bought what is now my first bike a few years ago. Some people thought I was crazy buying 3 wrecked bikes and putting them together to make one. I sold all the other parts off and my bike was absolutely free. It was the easiest thing to work on Ihave ever owned. I went straight to a cbr900 for my first one. Like Ryan I believe a bike is only going to go as fast as you crank it so, 250-1200 its all the same to me. If you shop around you can get a real nice bike for $3000. Remember cash talks and I have seen alot of bike guys drop in upwards of $1000 on their price whan someoe has cash in front of them. You can get gear really cheap at Iron Pony. I bought my coat for $160 dropped from $325. Hell I could have gotten one for less than $100 if I really wanted. Other than that I usually only wear just regular work boats and always a helmet. I have thought about getting textile pants and actual riding boots but maybe this spring. I can tell you I am surprised at how much motorcycle maintenance costs. Parts seem pricy to me.
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I have 4 points on my license, one is a stop sign, and the other was a red light. No speeding, my failure to control is off my license now, so my record is not terrible.


I understand where you are coming from about not needing a 600 bike, but what are the odds of reselling a bike for close to same value that you payed for it?


I always say if you are going to do something, do it right the first time as far as purchases go. And yes, I plan on buying in cash.



Also, what is recommended for your feet? I absolutely hate wearing boots because of how heavy they are on your feet. Does anything else offer good protection with durability and lightness? Ideally something you could just walk around in daily, but still ride in.

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Reselling a beater bike is as easy as buying one. You won't lose money.


By that logic you should buy a 500cc two stroke GP bike, no worries, you'll be fine. Why would you want something forgiving?


Do not wear heavy boots. Buy riding boots, they're light and designed to take a hit. I'm a fan of Sidi's due to comfort, A* makes some good ones as well. I currently have a pair of Sidi B2s.


If you do decided to buy a sport bike as a first bike without listening to what I said, just always listen to that little voice in your head that says "don't do that shit player, that will hurt".

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Buy an R6...There SLOW :)


I'm taking this as sarcasm.


In everyones honest opinion, is a 600 to big of a bike to start on? Why and why not?


I realize that you see I'm 18 and I want a 600 sport bike, so yes, you may call me insane, but if I was 30 years old, posting what I'm posting, would you tell me to steer away from a 600, or would it be okay to start on?

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