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Kids having sex are crimals


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Wait, so the girl is 14 or the boy is? and wtf is a sheboygan


I think sheboygan is a city or town?


There is 2 cases. 1 is a 17 year old boy that had sex with his 14 year old girlfriend. He got a felony charge.


The pictured girl is 17 that had sex with her 14 year old boyfriend. She got a misdemeanor charge.

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Thats fucking wisconsin for ya, wierd place. I really like how the a.d.a. said that the guy got the felony charge because his girlfriend turns 15 in april vs the girls boyfriend who turns 15 in feb. Fucking brilliant.


I still think we just need to give mich and wisc to canada.

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I'm so glad to see our justice system cracking down on these heinous crimes. Society will be much better off with these two - who are clearly psychopaths - put behind bars for good. I'll definitely sleep better knowing these two are off the streets.
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Remember, this is the same country where a 6-year old got suspended for hugging his teacher...


i hope this is a joke?



and this is why our justice system is pathetic.


props the 14 year old boy for getting his dick wet..


props to the 17 year old boy for teaching them young!!!

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I'm so glad to see our justice system cracking down on these heinous crimes. Society will be much better off with these two - who are clearly psychopaths - put behind bars for good. I'll definitely sleep better knowing these two are off the streets.


:lol: you funny man.

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Good lord... I was a felon multiple times in High School!


LOL, me too.


Stupid ass people.


I hate to see hard working peoples taxes wasted on BS like this. The DA, and judge need their heads examined, this should not have even made it to court.

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There is actually a case worse then this.


A few young girls sent pics to their also young boyfriemds.


Well, it turns out there is no low age limit for child porn. These kids are charged with recieving and having child porn. They are like 14 and 15 year olds.

Seems in that city, it was legal for them to have sex, and legal for the girls to take pictures on themselves. But illgeal for the kids to have it or get it.


They are charged and if convicted will be labels as sexual preditors.


Its a case going on somewhere in northern Ohio right now.

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There is actually a case worse then this.


A few young girls sent pics to their also young boyfriemds.


Well, it turns out there is no low age limit for child porn. These kids are charged with recieving and having child porn. They are like 14 and 15 year olds.

Seems in that city, it was legal for them to have sex, and legal for the girls to take pictures on themselves. But illgeal for the kids to have it or get it.


They are charged and if convicted will be labels as sexual preditors.


Its a case going on somewhere in northern Ohio right now.


I have a friend getting charged with this right now. Among other things, he will probably be outcast from society and put in prison with rapist and murderers. He just got a picture message sent to his phone.

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^Wow, that's insane.


This whole "charge as an adult" thing is getting out of hand. If they are both minors, and its consensual, then GTFO. Kids will be kids. If you want to charge something, charge the kid for running away.


I agree 100%. The legal system is such a joke these days. There are more and more cases where the punishment is an overkill for those who don't deserve it, and the opposite for those who do.

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