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It's about that time of year...


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It seems like every year since I turned 16 I get the itch to buy a bike...well I'm almost 21 and I'm feeling like it's that time of year again lol. I just hopped on craigslist and saw this...




I have NO experience, so I figure this seems like a good starter bike that I could possibly resell next year or something. Can you guys tell me a bit more about this bike? I want something lighter and more nimble, I've really wanted a Ninja 500R, but this seems like a great price. Thanks for the help guys.

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Hahahaha woooow...yeah definitely didn't see the "&" part in the D&D..my bad. I was reading a lil too fast. Haha so besides that you think it seems like a decent bike? I just emailed them asking more about it.


It's ugly as sin and the paint looks like a rattle can job, but for $1200 it will be hard to find anything rideable. Make sure the forks don't puke oil, aren't bent, etc. Check all the normal shit. Should make a good bike to learn on.


As said plenty of times before, take MSF, buy good gear, ride like you're invisible. Never look back. 2 wheels > 4 wheels.

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It's ugly as sin and the paint looks like a rattle can job, but for $1200 it will be hard to find anything rideable. Make sure the forks don't puke oil, aren't bent, etc. Check all the normal shit. Should make a good bike to learn on.


As said plenty of times before, take MSF, buy good gear, ride like you're invisible. Never look back. 2 wheels > 4 wheels.


Yeah I would definitely plan on taking the MSF, and getting good gear. My dad has been riding (cruisers) all his life, so I kinda see this as something he and I can do together, eventhough I wouldn't want a cruiser haha. If he ends up still having it, is there any way I could possibly get you to take a look at it for me?

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Heavy for the engine? Or just all around heavy? I figure I'm not going to run into too many great bikes in the 1k range, but if I drop it...er when I drop it lol it won't hurt as bad. Eventually I would want to get a decent bike, power isn't so much of a conern to me, it's corner carving that I want.
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The SV's I've been looking at range from 2k-3.5k.


Remember cash talks so if you get another grand or so in the next few months you should be set


I'm doing the same thing as you are, riding a starter bike for a year then reselling to upgrade, and from what I can tell most people lose maybe 500 on a SV when reselling.

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The SV's I've been looking at range from 2k-3.5k.


Remember cash talks so if you get another grand or so in the next few months you should be set


I'm doing the same thing as you are, riding a starter bike for a year then reselling to upgrade, and from what I can tell most people lose maybe 500 on a SV when reselling.


If you shop and ride carefully, you don't have to lose on an SV650. I bought my SV650 on CL with a little rash on the side cover and can, rode it for 8 months and 5k miles and sold it last week for a $300 profit. Expand your CL searching to Dayton/Springfield and Cincinnati, and be ready to drop everything to go look when the right ad pops up. I've had a lot of luck buying and selling on CL, and really have yet to make a deal I'm not happy with.

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Thanks Ryan, I was checking out that thread at work today. And thanks everyone else too. I'm seriously seriously considering the Honda right now. I just got back from looking at it. The owner really proved that being a good person can still go a long way in sales. He was a great guy, offered to help teach me how to ride it, and help me if anything breaks. It's not perfect physically, scratches here and there. But even after sitting for a month it started right up (with a lil play of the choke), it just really seems like the perfect starter bike. Especially for the money. If I was going to spend 3k on something I would start getting anal about it, but this thing I won't have to worry about so much. Plus I just feel more comfortable going with a smaller engine. Anyone think he'll take $1000 for it?
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