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This is amazing.... A320 Down


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What about the geese?


I am about 20 miles from where this happened.


Me too.....in NYC right now. Flying out Friday afternoon from Laguardia. Great move on the part of the team there. Remember....never open the rear doors in a water landing....and they prevented that. Great job to the entire team on that plane. x2 on the pilot for a raise.

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I hate geese. When I was flying a lot I had two close calls,one with a goose and one with a buzzard. Hit one of those in a Cessna and they will be in your lap. It is a good thing Cessna's are nimble.
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Human Life > Goose Life ?

Only if you're willing to make some concessions about the definition of "Human"...:whistle:


Seriously, though, that pilot should get some kind of commendation, at the least. That area is a BAD place to find open space that won't shred a plane, and making a water landing as gently as he appears to have done...wow.

(And yes, I am fairly familiar with the area, having driven the nearby highways about every other week for three years.)

Kudos to the ferry-drivers, too, for responding as fast as they did. If it weren't for the leg injuries and obvious lack of survival suits, I might have thought it was a planned exercise. Absolutely text-book.

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Retired Airforce flying A4s in the 60s and 70s. America's finest. Guy was good. Although I bet a few sue the airline over this despite living.....


Guy was better than good, he was the BEST possible pilot for that situation. You couldn't have hand-picked a better pilot. The guy was an airline safety expert, a long-time qualified glider pilot, 29 years experience in commercial jets, and a fighter jock before that.


And everything else about the situation was just as improbable:


The best possible pilot for the situation makes a better-than-textbook water landing, right in front of the docks of a major ferry line, where the ferries are just getting ready to put out for rush-hour, in the city with the best disaster-response training in the world. Hell, the only two things that went wrong during the whole thing were the water temp and the actual bird-strike.


If you tried to sell this as a script, they'd laugh you out of Hollywood.

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