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Tiny Engine!


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I'm skeptical. If the prototype runs, and he believes in it so much, why not get a youtube vid of it running on fuel hooked to a dyno? Or better yet, hooked to a car/go kart/"test mule" and driving?


Before you tell me he needs money to build it, check yourself...the $10MM he's looking for is - as he claims - for production. He's already built at least one running prototype engine.

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If it's so small, it should be in a golf cart.


It's too small. I wish I knew the math, but I'm sure it's too small. I think the volume of the engine isn't large enough to contain the amount of air/fuel mixture to extract the energy needed to get the power he's claiming.


Modern engines are only about 25-30% efficient. If they were to become 100% efficient, a V8 would still be 2 cyl. And that's MUCH larger than his claim of an auto engine being smaller than a coffee can.

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This is far from the weirdest engine design I've seen out there. Check out swash plate, wobble shaft, and axial motors:









Of course these are just variations on a conventional reciprocating motor.

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If it's so small, it should be in a golf cart.


It's too small. I wish I knew the math, but I'm sure it's too small. I think the volume of the engine isn't large enough to contain the amount of air/fuel mixture to extract the energy needed to get the power he's claiming.


Modern engines are only about 25-30% efficient. If they were to become 100% efficient, a V8 would still be 2 cyl. And that's MUCH larger than his claim of an auto engine being smaller than a coffee can.


I completely agree... The intake charge would have to be extremely dense to achieve those kinds of numbers in such a small space, if it is even possible, and I don't see any turbos.


Also, 4000 ft-lbs at 3000 RPM is kind of meaningless because torque numbers can easily be changed to whatever you want with gearing. Power figures would be much more appropriate, or at least give output shaft speeds along with the engine RPM.


Eh, I'm always extremely skeptical anytime I see such exorbitant claims.



Gonneville, those designs are sweet! I havn't seen most of those before...

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If that was an electric motor I could see that type of output, but that thing is too small with too many little parts inside (he said all the same parts of a conventional engine, just rearranged) to be able to physically withstand the combustion process to make 4000 lbs of torque. Think how stout a tranny would have to be to handle 4000lb of torque.


Sounds to me like a bunch of theoretical math figures, but no real world testing.


Maybe it is all just above me?

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As for the MPG claim....


Think of this engines multiplying torque ability as a compound pulley system. You take one pully, and you lift a mass and you are lifting the weight equal to the mass + gravity... you compound it 5 times, and now your lifting only 1/5th the weight. Well what happens when you compound it 32 times? you've effectively reduced the weight by 32x and almost all the work you're doing is over the time line.


So you have a 4cyl car that weights in at 3200lbs, like my S40. Effectively, each cylinder is doing the work to move 800lbs of the car. Now each cyl is roughly 29ci, to the MYT engines 26.x, but adding all those "extra" cylinders, is dividing the weight out so far, that there's almost no resistance to its free spinning operation. Hence the 150mpg claim.

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