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ATTN: People With Short Christmas Trees On Your Front Porch!


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He's talking to me. It looks better than sitting on it's side by the street waiting for the city to pick it up. I'll move it on tree collection day. So go fuck yourself, Steve. :p




I though about taking a picture....





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Got you all beat. I didn't even put one up. And when I did put lights up, quite often I left the main house lights on all year. I do try to put them up in a way that they're not very noticable unless they're on. My neighbors (my OLD neighbors now that I worked so hard to drive them out of here) left their Xmas shit out for months, including an entire nativity scene all knocked over and covered in dirt and ice (and still out there after the snow melted). I would've thought being the super religious people they are, they would've had the respect to pick that stuff up. Of course, they don't seem to respect the slovenly sin as all their shit, including their house, is (was) a complete pig sty. Actually, "is" since they live just down the road now and you can see their new place is worse than their old.
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