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best car movies


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Besides the already mentioned Gone in 60 Seconds (and credit to the original and its amazing number of crashes) and Bullitt, I'd say:


Death Race 2000 (1975)


Vanishing Point


Movies with great car scenes (aka honorable mentions), despite not being about cars:


The Bourne Identity

The Blues Brothers


The Italian Job (original)

The French Connection



And Number 2

Cannonball Run BTW for you that don't know.


Word. :thumbup:

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Smokey and the Bandit, both Gone in Sixty Seconds, Days of Thunder, and Cars.


While these movies weren't very good the chase scenes were, Bullitt, Vanishing Point, Smokey and the Bandit 2 and 3, and I don't care what you all think I enjoyed the ridiculus and impossible car scenes in the Fast and the Furious movies.

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Anything with an 80's model Lamborghini Countach 4000 Quatrovalve singing @ upper 6,000RPM made me happy. I remember watching the movie before going to Nelson Auto in 93 to see the Viper, when I got a glimpse at a black 85 Countach.


I have to agree. In fact, that clip inspired me to go download Cannonball Run II right now. :D


I remember sitting in a Countach for the first time when I was 10. That was the peak of my obsession, and definitely a memorable day.


I don't care what you all think I enjoyed the ridiculus and impossible car scenes in the Fast and the Furious movies.


The first and the third both are entertaining; simple car porn and you can laugh at the ridiculousness all the way through. Good times. Although the second one was so horrible I wanted to gouge my eyes out - that aside, I don't remember there being many memorable car moments in that one.

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ronin has the best car chase scenes i've ever seen. i'm also a fan of the movie, "the driver" with ryan o'neil.



i have another link to a video that was shot in paris, that is absolutely incredible--a race car driver driving his ferrari to the max on public roads during the day--- it was shot in real time on a normal day with no restrictions/etc. i can't get to it at work, but i'll post it later

Edited by kirks5oh
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ronin has the best car chase scenes i've ever seen. i'm also a fan of the movie, "the driver" with ryan o'neil.



i have another link to a video that was shot in paris, that is absolutely incredible--a race car driver driving his ferrari to the max on public roads during the day--- it was shot in real time on a normal day with no restrictions/etc. i can't get to it at work, but i'll post it later



+1 for Ronin.

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Grand Prix? American Graffiti? I suppose you think these are cult classics, sorry they suck. The Cannonball Run movies come on they are too boring. Not to mention the countless other car movies that are horrible.


sorry its not fast and the furious ricer lol:gay2:

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nevermind, video i was looking for got deleted from youtube-i'll keep looking, its worth seeing


edit:: found it. watch the whole thing, well worth it.






The French cult classic C'était un rendez-vous, or just simply Rendezvous.


On an August morning in 1978, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a friend, a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris. The film was limited for technical reasons to 10 minutes; the course was from Porte Dauphine, through the Louvre, to the Basilica of Sacre Coeur.


No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit.


The driver completed the course in about 9 minutes, reaching nearly 140 MPH in some stretches. The footage reveals him running real red lights, nearly hitting real pedestrians, and driving the wrong way up real one-way streets.


It's a simple enough story- a man drives his car at breakneck speed through the streets of Paris to join his date, burning through red lights and traveling up one way roads to get to her as quickly as possible.


Upon showing the film in public for the first time, Lelouch was arrested. He has never revealed the identity of the driver, and the film went underground until a DVD release a few years ago

Edited by kirks5oh
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The transpoerter had some good seens in it too


Also anyone remember the short movie I belive BMW made with the incar cam and only engine sounds running hight speed through a german( I think) town? It was like drive or something I just remember seeing it in a a theater and it had my heart pumping by the end

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Grand Prix


(1969). RIP Miura. :(


The speed Merchants


If reviews are correct,

will join the list.




I must confess a pet peve here (other than it being mispelled). BULLITT WAS NOT A CAR MOVIE! Ong Bak has a 3-wheel taxi chase scene, does that make it a car movie? No, it's a fight movie, and Bullitt was a cop movie.


Grand Prix? American Graffiti? I suppose you think these are cult classics, sorry they suck. The Cannonball Run movies come on they are too boring. Not to mention the countless other car movies that are horrible.


No one asked for good movies, just good CAR movies. I enjoy watching cars (and listenting to them) so I own a copy of Grand Prix.

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The transpoerter had some good seens in it too


Also anyone remember the short movie I belive BMW made with the incar cam and only engine sounds running hight speed through a german( I think) town? It was like drive or something I just remember seeing it in a a theater and it had my heart pumping by the end


see my edited post above

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