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get your supplies ready at home, cuz 6 months after those people are let go, they will be back in the US, better trained, and severely pissed at the US.....here comes the REAL Jihad....


thats a great conclusion, where did you go to school? Just want to make sure my future children don't go there.

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He's hasen't been in office for a week and he's already fuckin things up! What a dumb ass.


Be proud Obama supporters........




Uh.... Wow. Just WOW. HES ELIMINATING SECRET PRISONS WHERE PEOPLE ARE TORTURED. You're angry about it. Who is the dumbass?



And btw, letting 245 go is going to bring on the next Jihad? Duhurrrrrrrrr, If u dont Likes Amurrica, yall can go on and GET OUT!1!1


Southpark should make an episode about CR people.

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Uh.... Wow. Just WOW. HES ELIMINATING SECRET PRISONS WHERE PEOPLE ARE TORTURED. You're angry about it. Who is the dumbass?



And btw, letting 245 go is going to bring on the next Jihad? Duhurrrrrrrrr, If u dont Likes Amurrica, yall can go on and GET OUT!1!1


Southpark should make an episode about CR people.



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And btw, letting 245 go is going to bring on the next Jihad? Duhurrrrrrrrr,


It only took 19 to give us this... Just imagine what 245 could do.


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If any of the said detainees can be proven to have been involved with 911, or any other direct terrorist activity, I could give a fuck less what we do to them, but lets do it according to international law so we don't look like the barbaric assholes, were trying stop. Some of you are acting like we're just gonna release em out into the streets. Get your info correct. Edited by sol740
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get your supplies ready at home, cuz 6 months after those people are let go, they will be back in the US, better trained, and severely pissed at the US.....here comes the REAL Jihad....


You really think our government is letting people "go" that are in a secret prison setup for torture? I hope you were being sarcastic otherwise you look like a dumbass.

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Watch something other then fox news and you might hear such things as they will be handed over to other countries to be imprisoned, they will be headed to fed pens here, or hell they might even be tried and executed. They will not just open the gates and say have a great life.
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If you "informed" folks even knew what these people would do to you, you'd cry like a little bitch. Geneva convention did not apply to any of these people for a simple fact, they were not part of any military or nation's military. Enemy combatants, not soldiers in uniforms. I swear you liberals really are soaking this shit up. Lose some friends to these people and tell me if you still feel the same. Knowing that Obama's vital political opinion is so paramount to him at the moment, he'll probably be there shaking hands with them as they leave.
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Well i look at this way...


1. Our economy sucks.

2. Our banks have no money

3. The money we do have isnt worth much

4. We have tons of shit we cant afford

5. Jobs are being eliminated left and right

6. Weve been at war for going on 8 years with no single individual, state or country

7. Illegal immigrants have more rights to our country, than Americans do.

8. New Orleans is STILL fucked up


How much worse can Obama really make it...

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I support this decision fully. Time for Americans to start acting like Americans. See sig.




If you "informed" folks even knew what these people would do to you, you'd cry like a little bitch. Geneva convention did not apply to any of these people for a simple fact, they were not part of any military or nation's military. Enemy combatants, not soldiers in uniforms. I swear you liberals really are soaking this shit up. Lose some friends to these people and tell me if you still feel the same. Knowing that Obama's vital political opinion is so paramount to him at the moment, he'll probably be there shaking hands with them as they leave.




LMAO all you people saying these 245 detainees "could" and "would" attack us again say it like they're already back in al-Queda training camps showing people how to put together suicide bombs. You're sad sad victims of sensationalist broadcasting.


and this.


In class we've spent the past 5 weeks going over US Torture and other things that have sprung out from the shithole known as iraq. The people held at Guantanamo are not all terrorist. There are some held (and even, killed there) under the age of 18. Don't believe me? Go to google. In fact, I'll go to google for you.








To be detained at Guantanamo, you don't need to convict a single crime. They can hold you there for whatever, and for however long they please. Your not on US soil, your not part of another army, you have no rights.


One last thing - your mind wouldn't be so skewed if you didn't find your facts from foxnews.com

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How about this:

Regardless of what they've done, or who they are, the secrecy surrounding Gitmo and it's prisoners has to end. Why is it taking six years and more to bring these people to trial? Get the process moving. If they're guilty of whatever crimes they're accused of, off to prison. If not, send em home. Of course, the ones who are innocent aren't very likely to be thrilled by their treatment...

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Technically under geneva they just need to be enemy combatants, well in the war on terror, anyone who is a terrorist would be an enemy combatant. And technically it being a naval base, it is US soil.

But with that said I thought we needed it and these peope will most likely get real torture if they ever do make it home because they'll want to know if they ratted out.

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