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Oh shit....


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In class we've spent the past 5 weeks going over US Torture and other things that have sprung out from the shithole known as iraq. The people held at Guantanamo are not all terrorist. There are some held (and even, killed there) under the age of 18. Don't believe me? Go to google. In fact, I'll go to google for you.[/Quote]


Personally, I don't give a shit. It's more likely than not that they are worthless pieces of shit that could harm our country and for the greater good, they can rot in hell. They sure as hell aren't innocent bystanders and loopholes and legal debates are way fucking over played. We have enough long drawn out BS. Sacrifice a few if need be.....they sure as hell aren't innocent though....not IMO.



So let me see.....he claims to be a Canadian citizen, but was Captured in Afghanistan in 2002 at age 15 and we're supposed to believe he's just falsely being accused of throwing a grenade that killed a U.S. soldier ?


Yeah, right.....I'm sure he's just as innocent as my kids :rolleyes: He was likely just there visiting family and kissing his grandma....NOT!



Here too....I'm sure his other two friends and him were just skateboarding at a park. These are not "children" as we know the term. These are poor kids in the wrong place of the world who have been turned into killers for a cause that others are fighting. They are pawns and while I feel bad for what they have lived through and grown up into, they are no different than a wild dog who was dealt a bad hand. That however, doesn't change how we should handle them.


Personally, I'm not one for torture as I don't believe it yields useful or truthful information. Keeping them in prison, I suppose we have to now. IMO they are lucky they weren't killed on the spot. I give the troops credit for not slaying anyone who comes at them with any weapon, regardless of their age.

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Personally, I don't give a shit. It's more likely than not that they are worthless pieces of shit that could harm our country and for the greater good, they can rot in hell. They sure as hell aren't innocent bystanders and loopholes and legal debates are way fucking over played. We have enough long drawn out BS. Sacrifice a few if need be.....they sure as hell aren't innocent though....not IMO.




So let me see.....he claims to be a Canadian citizen, but was Captured in Afghanistan in 2002 at age 15 and we're supposed to believe he's just falsely being accused of throwing a grenade that killed a U.S. soldier ?


Yeah, right.....I'm sure he's just as innocent as my kids :rolleyes: He was likely just there visiting family and kissing his grandma....NOT!




Here too....I'm sure his other two friends and him were just skateboarding at a park. These are not "children" as we know the term. These are poor kids in the wrong place of the world who have been turned into killers for a cause that others are fighting. They are pawns and while I feel bad for what they have lived through and grown up into, they are no different than a wild dog who was dealt a bad hand. That however, doesn't change how we should handle them.


Personally, I'm not one for torture as I don't believe it yields useful or truthful information. Keeping them in prison, I suppose we have to now. IMO they are lucky they weren't killed on the spot. I give the troops credit for not slaying anyone who comes at them with any weapon, regardless of their age.



So basically, you condemn a bunch of people based on conjecture, and then put IMO after it... As if your opinion carries enough weight to prosecute people and send them to death. Thats hot.

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Personally, I'm not one for torture as I don't believe it yields useful or truthful information. Keeping them in prison, I suppose we have to now. IMO they are lucky they weren't killed on the spot. I give the troops credit for not slaying anyone who comes at them with any weapon, regardless of their age.


I'd rather be killed on the spot.

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Wierd. We imprisoned and tortured him for years, without any contact to anyone he knows or loves.... and the first thing he does is return to them, and hate us. THAT DOESNT MAKE ANY SE.... wait.


Also, the fact that you linked http://www.partywhojustlostcontrolofthegovernment'snewschannel.com is hilaaaaaarious. Bush's policies are getting reversed and undone left and right... you dont think foxnews has a WEE bit of incentive to try to save some republican face?

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First, those of you who believe that these people are just going to be set free are ignorant.


I couldn't be happier that we have a President who recognizes that 9/11 was the result of decades of foreign policy that ignored long term implications for expedient results. We meddled in the affairs of Sovereign nations in our own self interest without realizing that we might create some resentment among the civilians who were slaughtered by the tyrants we put in place or the wars we financed under the guise of supporting "freedom fighters". That's what Regan called his Mujahidin guerrilla fighters who fought in Afghanistan against the encroaching Russian Army. (PS. Bin Laden was among those "Freedom Fighters")


It's our history of hypocrisy and unilateral intervention that services or own short term self interests with complete disregard for the humanitarian toll left in the wake of our objectives that resulted in 9/11. All it takes is a quick reference to a single act of terrorism to somehow inspire some visceral patriotic U.S.A chanting and foot stomping among our more conservative posters.

As terrible as it was, 9/11 pales in comparison to the devastation wrought on other nation's civilians both in peace time and war. Your single minded patriotism compels you to have compassion for 9/11 victims but not the other innocent victims around the world because those foreigners could never have been you.


It's hard, you know, when you take away the black and white. All you have is grey. You realize that even hell-bent terrorists have motives with context. You realize that the USA is not on some grandiose pedestal of infallibility. What's hardest though... is when you realize that with all the turmoil we are directly responsible for in the world... that we haven't been on the receiving end of a whole lot more than the retaliations we've witnessed.


Obama does not sympathize with the terrorists. He realizes that to change the tide, to diminish the motive of those who wish us harm, he must change the way we do business. He must end the hypocrisy, avoid killing innocents, and hold ourselves to the same standards we expect from nations who are less powerful.


[taken from my post on cdsm]

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First, those of you who believe that these people are just going to be set free are ignorant.


I couldn't be happier that we have a President who recognizes that 9/11 was the result of decades of foreign policy that ignored long term implications for expedient results. We meddled in the affairs of Sovereign nations in our own self interest without realizing that we might create some resentment among the civilians who were slaughtered by the tyrants we put in place or the wars we financed under the guise of supporting "freedom fighters". That's what Regan called his Mujahidin guerrilla fighters who fought in Afghanistan against the encroaching Russian Army. (PS. Bin Laden was among those "Freedom Fighters")


It's our history of hypocrisy and unilateral intervention that services or own short term self interests with complete disregard for the humanitarian toll left in the wake of our objectives that resulted in 9/11. All it takes is a quick reference to a single act of terrorism to somehow inspire some visceral patriotic U.S.A chanting and foot stomping among our more conservative posters.

As terrible as it was, 9/11 pales in comparison to the devastation wrought on other nation's civilians both in peace time and war. Your single minded patriotism compels you to have compassion for 9/11 victims but not the other innocent victims around the world because those foreigners could never have been you.


It's hard, you know, when you take away the black and white. All you have is grey. You realize that even hell-bent terrorists have motives with context. You realize that the USA is not on some grandiose pedestal of infallibility. What's hardest though... is when you realize that with all the turmoil we are directly responsible for in the world... that we haven't been on the receiving end of a whole lot more than the retaliations we've witnessed.


Obama does not sympathize with the terrorists. He realizes that to change the tide, to diminish the motive of those who wish us harm, he must change the way we do business. He must end the hypocrisy, avoid killing innocents, and hold ourselves to the same standards we expect from nations who are less powerful.


[taken from my post on cdsm]



Well put, and ...



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I have never liked Gitmo. I praise Obama for wanting to speed up the process to investigate and possibly resolute all of the cases that have gone through there. Hell, I think even John Mccain agrees with this. However, it needs serious caution taken forth. And any of you who think that some of the prisoners there have no will or way to fight back against America upon release: you are a drone or moron. Since Fox News is the spawn of Satan for some of you, here's one a little closer to your mindless ideology:



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Personally, I don't give a shit. It's more likely than not that they are worthless pieces of shit that could harm our country and for the greater good, they can rot in hell. They sure as hell aren't innocent bystanders and loopholes and legal debates are way fucking over played. We have enough long drawn out BS. Sacrifice a few if need be.....they sure as hell aren't innocent though....not IMO.


And YOU DON'T KNOW. None of us has ANY idea who these people really are, because that information has been hidden from the American public. Restricted, Classified, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. If they truly are ALL guilty, wouldn't it be smart for the government to release their information to gather support for the war? Shouldn't we be putting them on trial and passing sentence?

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I have never liked Gitmo. I praise Obama for wanting to speed up the process to investigate and possibly resolute all of the cases that have gone through there. Hell, I think even John Mccain agrees with this. However, it needs serious caution taken forth. And any of you who think that some of the prisoners there have no will or way to fight back against America upon release: you are a drone or moron. Since Fox News is the spawn of Satan for some of you, here's one a little closer to your mindless ideology:






Of course they're going to want to fight america, they were imprisoned and possibly tortured here for years. And has it been long enough to stop referring to these people as terrorists, and just call them enemies?



And to the senato from florida in that link, who says that he's worried about putting the prisoners in US prisons because they are "dangerous"... And the non-arab prisoners in our jails arent?

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Of course they're going to want to fight america, they were imprisoned and possibly tortured here for years. And has it been long enough to stop referring to these people as terrorists, and just call them enemies?

So you'll admit that they want to destroy Americans, but like the idea of a possible release? I'm really asking, because I'm hearing conflicting opinions from most of the leftists here.


And to the senator from florida in that link, who says that he's worried about putting the prisoners in US prisons because they are "dangerous"... And the non-arab prisoners in our jails arent?

The word "dangerous" is referring to a whole different league of crime then a domestic murder or violent criminal.

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So you'll admit that they want to destroy Americans, but like the idea of a possible release? I'm really asking, because I'm hearing conflicting opinions from most of the leftists here.



What are you hearing that's conflicted ? Please use an example so I may retort in context ?


Also please reread my first post about Fox News and tell me that's not some of the stupidest shit you've ever read.

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So you'll admit that they want to destroy Americans, but like the idea of a possible release? I'm really asking, because I'm hearing conflicting opinions from most of the leftists here.



The word "dangerous" is referring to a whole different league of crime then a domestic murder or violent criminal.




Where have I said that I like the idea of a possible release? I obviously would NOT be happy that someone with the intent to harm me based on the country I live in was free and surrounded by people of like mind.


My point was that it's going to be pretty obvious that a prisoner freshly released is going to harbor resentment towards the country that imprisoned them, which would be compounded by poor treatment/lack of a reason for detainment. Does this fact make it Okay to keep people in jail without cause? No. I'm simply refusing to let what I believe in (innocent until proven guilty, torture is bad, I wouldn't want to be in that person's shoes, etc) be destroyed by fear-mongering.


And how can you say one killer is more dangerous than another? Especially if they are all in jail together... behind bars... under heavy security?

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