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Attn: Cunts that can't drive.


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Yes...Days like today make me wish I could kill people, I mean literally bash their fucking head in and kill people. Everyone is in bumper to bumper traffic for NO REASON other then people who are too god damn afraid to drive or ass holes who think their running the ididarod in their SUV’s. Then when I see someone with a turn signal on I back off, but they either A) don’t need over and just left that shit on or B) don’t pay the fuck attention and need a gap so big fucking Evil Kenevil can’t jump it. Then I turn on my signal and people speed up like if they fall one spot behind their going to loose the race to no where. Fucking idiots! I just started cutting fuckers off. Then you’ll see these dumb asses in the SUV with 4WD who think 4WD also means 4WSTOP and they go sliding off onto the shoulder and cause more problems! God damn people. You either have the motherfuckers who want to rally race in the snow to work or the pussys who want to do 10mph on the highway. Just driver like you have half a fucking brain and shit would be a lot better! GOD I HATE PEOPLE! (who can’t drive)
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Every time I see some idiot on the road not paying attention or driving like an idiot in the snow I get a LITTLE BIT CLOSER to running them off the road.


So far, in situations with idiots, my first impulse it to keep driving along my way. And I usually don't think of fucking with them until I'm well past them; I'm too busy fuming. But I've noticed that my urge to mess with them is coming sooner and sooner after the fact.


Yesterday, I was behind a couple car merging onto the highway at 30MPH!! Whe nI got aorund, I saw that the lead car ws an old lady texting or fucking with some small fiddly thing while she was driving and barely payign attention to the road. My rear bumper was barely past her when I had the idea to swerve REAL close to her side and honk my horn to scare the shit out of her.


I hope I don't actually follow through one of these days... I don't need the legal headaches.

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What is the point in investing in an SUV if you are going to drive slow as shit? My little RWD bimmer wants you to get the hell out of my way so I can make it to my destination on time!

I can't imagine what would happen if the lump sum of Central Ohio population had to drive in Cleveland, NY, or any other state/ city that gets real snow on a daily basis.

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We got like 3-4 inches in cincy last night, which to these people is like the fucking apocolypse. I have a ten minute drive to work on a 4 lane road. But some fuckin dumbass decides that two lanes in one direction is way too convenient and decides to drive directly in the middle, blocking both lanes, going 15mph.


thanks dumbass, maybe you should have called in stupid today.

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What I would do if I could afford it is to buy a Hummer H1 and purposely wreck it. I want dents and scratches all over the front, sides of the body, and back of it. Then all I need is a bumper sticker that says "GET OUT OF MY WAY", a long rack of spotlights on the roof, and a sticker at the top of my windshield wrote backwards " ---> GET OVER".


Yeah flash my lights at a slow poke and see what happens. I hope they crap their pants.

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some fuckin dumbass decides that two lanes in one direction is way too convenient and decides to drive directly in the middle, blocking both lanes, going 15mph.


that happened to me on Sawmill during the last snow...fuck that....turn lane = passing lane for asshats driving 20mph in the middle holding up a line of traffic. once I passed, about a dozen others followed suite. hell, the roads weren't even bad. :mad: hopefully they stayed tucked in their home in powell.

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There was a lady who pulled out of work in her Saturn Vue . There's a sharp bend on the road and she didn't I guess didn't think to hit the brakes early enough? She tried to turn and kept going straight and curbed the shit out of her car :).
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dude snow belt FTMFW!!! you can find me doing 80+ in a white out smoking a cig and drinkin starbucks so when i see somone going that slow i just tend to go around... 4wd ftw!



its people like you that i want to be infront of 4WD does nothing for your brakes when they dont have traction they DONT

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