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Attn: Cunts that can't drive.


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Uncover your brake lights, turn your headlights on, chip off more than .00002 square inches of your windshield, actually scrape off your side and rear window, use your windshield wipers, use the rear window electric defroster, use the defrost setting to clear the fog from your windshield and side windows, you are born with stereoscopic vision so please use depth perception to accurately tell how far away oncoming traffic is, if you don't have ABS learn how to stop without locking all four tires, if you skid steer in the direction you want to go, don't let go of the steering wheel and squeal like a twat if you do skid, spray PAM or WD40 behind your wheels so you don't drop snow boogers all over the freeway.....AND SHUT UP ABOUT THE BLIZZARD OF '78.....I swear to GOD the next person who says the word, "blizzard" to me is going to spend the rest of their life with 80 grit stapled to the backside of their eyelids.
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Also if you wanna go 20mph on 670 be courteous. If there is a car in front of you going the same speed as you in another lane....... get behind em. I hate having to change lanes 13 times because you don't know how to ride in packs. Find a speed your comfortable with, and find another car to get behind. There is no need for 2-3 cars to be staggered in different lanes going at the same speed.
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Oh, GOD, no shit! People pacing each other in different lanes is my biggest goddamn peeve in ANY weather! Move the FUCK over if you aren't passing!


And for the fuckfaces in the SUVs, I am sick to fucking death of sitting behind their asses while they're doing 20mph in a 35, and then having them take off as fast as they can at a light, only to go back to doing 20 once they get to a place I can't pass.

Hey, great, if you can get off the light faster, KEEP GOING! Don't hold my ass up just because you've got more traction and no fucking idea how to drive.

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We got like 3-4 inches in cincy last night, which to these people is like the fucking apocolypse. I have a ten minute drive to work on a 4 lane road. But some fuckin dumbass decides that two lanes in one direction is way too convenient and decides to drive directly in the middle, blocking both lanes, going 15mph.


thanks dumbass, maybe you should have called in stupid today.


I've had to drive back and forth to work and school in this shit past couple of days in my Miata with summer tires, but I can still manage to do 40-45 mph.


AWD, ABS, and big trucks are for pussies. (except when going up all these fucking hills)

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I was that guy doing 60mph both days in the snowy lanes.

Some guy tried to pass me last night, swerved into my lane, swerved back WAY too quickly.. spun out and ass ended rite up into the snow bank against the wall on 270. I laughed and kept driving. People are dumb as shit in this city when it comes to driving in the snow. 90% of the mofos here wouldnt make it through a single Cleveland winter at all.

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Its funny how many 4wd suv's I've seen stuck or driving 3mph in a 65mph as I passed them in my little g6. I actually had some old fuck in a ram dually flick me off today on my way to work because I was doing 65mph in a 65mph while he was doing 15mph with no snow on the ground. old fucks ftl
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I was that guy doing 60mph both days in the snowy lanes.

Some guy tried to pass me last night, swerved into my lane, swerved back WAY too quickly.. spun out and ass ended rite up into the snow bank against the wall on 270. I laughed and kept driving. People are dumb as shit in this city when it comes to driving in the snow. 90% of the mofos here wouldnt make it through a single Cleveland winter at all.


and this my friends is why people dont like our police.

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People are dumb as shit in this city when it comes to driving in the snow. 90% of the mofos here wouldnt make it through a single Cleveland winter at all.


I agree.....I grew up in the snow belt of the lake and am thankful to have had my first 2-3 years of driving an 83 Hurst Olds in winter there to teach me the basics.

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I agree.....I grew up in the snow belt of the lake and am thankful to have had my first 2-3 years of driving an 83 Hurst Olds in winter there to teach me the basics.


truth. I grew up in youngstown and when I was learning to drive my mom took me back up to youngstown and to my dad's house in macedonia to learn how to drive in the middle of a snow storm. I think that can qualify as a form of child abuse.

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So I blew sideways through an intersection last night in my truck. When adjacent traffic got the green and caught up to me at the next red, some lady rolled down her window and asked if I was okay.. like I was some out of control drunken idiot (sober as a bird).


Should have asked her if she had another beer and wanted to give you a lap dance for $20 :p

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tonight....more like 15-18mph. crazy as the roads I was on where just fine. thank goodness for turn lanes.



I passed some one on 270 which was completely clear mind you, they were going maybe 40 with their hazzards on. I was only ableo go 60 due to snow in my wheels causing the car to shake violently if I went any faster.

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Uncover your brake lights, turn your headlights on, chip off more than .00002 square inches of your windshield, actually scrape off your side and rear window, use your windshield wipers, use the rear window electric defroster, use the defrost setting to clear the fog from your windshield and side windows, you are born with stereoscopic vision so please use depth perception to accurately tell how far away oncoming traffic is, if you don't have ABS learn how to stop without locking all four tires, if you skid steer in the direction you want to go, don't let go of the steering wheel and squeal like a twat if you do skid, spray PAM or WD40 behind your wheels so you don't drop snow boogers all over the freeway.....AND SHUT UP ABOUT THE BLIZZARD OF '78.....I swear to GOD the next person who says the word, "blizzard" to me is going to spend the rest of their life with 80 grit stapled to the backside of their eyelids.


I was born in the blizzard of 78. :D


I got off work at 1 am tuesday night, there were no lines on the road a couple inches, i was pleasently suprised at how many people stayed to the right, I was only passed by 2 people from the honda plant to hilliard and was rolling 45-50 the whole way in the expedtion. The only gripe i had was that people were hugging the middle of the road a bit and a couple times while passing people i could feel myself on the rumble strip to avoid rubbing a road hog. I'm originally from north-east Ohio and it was one of the only times i wouid consider the roads bad since moving to columbus 7 years ago. That was from 1-2 am before the plows hit rt33.

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One more piece of advice/bitching:




I'm sick of dodging airborne glacier. If you're not elderly, crippled, or a fucking midget, you shouldn't have an ice cap waiting to fly off and smash somebody's damn windshield. If you ARE elderly, crippled, or a fucking midget, stay the FUCK home!

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One more piece of advice/bitching:




I'm sick of dodging airborne glacier. If you're not elderly, crippled, or a fucking midget, you shouldn't have an ice cap waiting to fly off and smash somebody's damn windshield. If you ARE elderly, crippled, or a fucking midget, stay the FUCK home!


65 is how I clear the snow off my windows.

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