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819 billion more...


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Great idea. It's like being broke, and instead of working on that, just getting another credit card and maxing that out.


Tax cuts are NOT the answer. Reducing taxes might feel nice for someone, but isn't going to save the economy. More jobs will. The gov't needs to spend money where it matters - making it more profitable to do business in the US. Incentives to NOT export work is the biggest thing, but it with tax incentives, tarrifs on import goods, etc.

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Great idea. It's like being broke, and instead of working on that, just getting another credit card and maxing that out.


If your new credit card multiplied every dollar you spent as it shifted hands from the retailer to the wholesaler and back to the manufacturer not to mention the transporters and others who expedite your purchases, then yes it is exactly like that.


The purpose of the bill is not tax cuts but capital investment in infrastructure projects to create the jobs. The reason your trickle down, Reganomic, Republican rhetoric doesn't work is because as the economy contracts, businesses freeze the liquidity they might have, hold capital investments, and wait for the consumers to return to optimistic bliss.


Will the Obama stimulus work, Im skeptical, but I sure hope so.

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If your new credit card multiplied every dollar you spent as it shifted hands from the retailer to the wholesaler and back to the manufacturer not to mention the transporters and others who expedite your purchases, then yes it is exactly like that.


The purpose of the bill is not tax cuts but capital investment in infrastructure projects to create the jobs. The reason your trickle down, Reganomic, Republican rhetoric doesn't work is because as the economy contracts, businesses freeze the liquidity they might have, hold capital investments, and wait for the consumers to return to optimistic bliss.


Will the Obama stimulus work, Im skeptical, but I sure hope so.


But the markets always fluctuate, every so often there is some kind of recession and it resets. Thenonce those consumers start spending again, the companies unfreeze the assets and start expanding again.

What happens is when the gov't tries to step in they make the down time even longer and up time even shorter.

$79 extra dollars on the food stamp debit-card is not going to create jobs or stimulate the economy. It will definitely help some people, but its pure govt spending. Its the govt buying bread for you.

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I'm sure all of these out of work white collar bankers are going to be jumping at the chance to go build roads.


I would rather go from working a white collar job to building roads than being on unemployment, but that's just my two cents.

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The purpose of the bill is not tax cuts but capital investment in infrastructure projects to create the jobs.


Will the Obama stimulus work, Im skeptical, but I sure hope so.


I now work in the SMB Space...those with between 100 and 1,000 employees. According to a lot of the market intelligence work that is done by consulting firms, about 60 percent of IT spending occurs in this space.


I can say that about 90% of the customers I call on are spending way, way less and many nothing at all on anything unless there is a hard-cost savings associated with the spend. They are clinging onto capital and have zero interest or in some cases no ability to borrow.


It's ugly out there right now. I've never seen it so tight. Even for solutions that can save a company money. They just are plain locked down.


IMO we need to look back on the 40's and 50's and become the self sufficient super power we once were. All this borrowing of money from others and shipping jobs over seas and manufacturing to third world countries has to stop.


If Obama and company want to succeed, they will invest gov't money into making that happen.

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I'm sure all of these out of work white collar bankers are going to be jumping at the chance to go build roads.


This is actually my biggest concern with it too. When FDR made his New Deal work, he was working with a much more blue collar workspace. People displaced from manufacturing jobs were re-distributed amongst the capital investments. These roads and bridges carried a long term benefit and created an infrastructure that was necessary for future development. Repairing a road is not my idea of investing in our infrastructure. This recession is effecting people like my GF who has an MBA and many years of pharm sales and administration experience. She wont be on a public works project anytime soon.


We need some innovation with this stimulus and I'm not seeing it so far.

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Holy shit, not only did someone get my point, but agreed with me.


So, would you go as far to agree with me on the idea that this "stimulus" is stupid and won't do anything to help the economy?


In it's current state... I would. I don’t think the final bill will look anything like its current manifestation. The Dems need 2 more senators to sway their way. Republican influence, while not as potent as it was 4 months ago, will push for more tax cuts to the tune of 440Bish. I don’t think that is effective either. As I said, corporations are not Warren Buffet. They are so focused on the ramifications of current quarter actions and stock holder satisfaction that they will not go into the red with out the consumer stepping up to the plate. So how do we motivate the stubborn middle class out of their tight pocketed malaise? It's a chicken and egg scenario: Consumers wont spend until they are gainfully employed, companies wont hire until consumers spend.


My Keynesian macroeconomic preference lends me to believe that the most effective solution is to return those millions of displaced workers back to the market place first. Large TVA style public works projects take to long to develop, Smaller pot hole patching projects are stupid and dont benefit the overall health of the nation. The challenge of finding a balance that actually creates enough jobs, does so quickly enough, and has a sustainable impact on the future viability of the nation, is the reason I am not in politics.

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