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Phelps taking bong hits?


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I am not sure of the source, but this would be a shocker if true.




I personally don't have a problem with him smoking marijuana, but it's going to be a killer for his public image.


EDIT: Wow! I guess it is true! At least he's doing the right thing by manning up and admitting it's a mistake...


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I'm somewhat mixed in my reaction to this.


On the one hand, I think it's stupid that there's this much attention be given to someone for taking a bong hit. It's weed, it probably should be legal, and he's a young adult having a good time, not bothering anyone. Who cares?


On the other hand, he's stupid for allowing himself to be photographed doing something illegal when he knows - or definitely should know - that it will jeopardize the millions he has in endorsements. You're a stoner? Awesome, just be smart enough not to get blazed on camera.

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I agree it doesn't really look like him though. Ears look too small, haha.


And his nose does not look the same.


I had to look over that picture a few times, ears look small, nose looks different. But if he admits it he admits it.


At least it can help to destroy the Above the Influence commercials, f you smoke pot you will amount to nothing message. How about 14 gold medals!

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