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One of my drivers quit yesterday. he literally left a a note on my counter that read:


"Dear Pizza Hut, I quit. Here is my bank. Sean."


WTF is that?


I think you may be one of the only people in your industry to consider what you do a "real job".

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I think you may be one of the only people in your industry to consider what you do a "real job".


What's a "real job" then?

He goes to a place of business, check

He manages other employees that make a corperation money, Check

He is paid a decent salary I suppose, Check

Sounds like responsibility to me.

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I think you may be one of the only people in your industry to consider what you do a "real job".

I don't often laugh out loud literally when reading stuff on the board...but this statement did it. :D Props.


Seriously, it's a fucking pizza delivery boy, you should kind of expect that. It's not exactly a career field, ya know.

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I quit my job at a pizza place the night I got offered a better job while working at the pizza place. I guess I should have passed to work til midnight making pizzas every night for $7.50 an hour.


Pretty bitch-ass not to call you and tell you directly, but he is a pizza delivery boy.

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i did that to my boss at donatos, but i was a dick about it. he did something really dumb that pissed me off...i was getting a 20oz cup of pop for the woman at the window (she didnt want a bottle), and while i was filling it, the manager, who i hated anyways, thought i was getting myself something to drink while he was running the dining room, and i was in his way. i waited for the other 2-3 morning drivers to leave (i was scheduled til 5, when my brother was supposed to come in), i put my bank on his desk, left, and left him without a driver for ~3.5 hours. fuck him. i'd still like to punch him in the face if i saw him tomorrow.
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an unemployed person = $0 Income.

driver at Pizza Hut > $ than the above.....richer....I would use a different term, but, the words of Ben....check.


Well my thought was he makes people above him (district managers??) richer by running the restaurant. This means he has a real job. Think about it not many jobs do you make money by not making someone else richer.


Even doctors and nurses even though they are helping people are still making the chief of medicine rich!

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One of my drivers quit yesterday. he literally left a a note on my counter that read:


"Dear Pizza Hut, I quit. Here is my bank. Sean."


WTF is that?


were opening at least 2 new store this year. PH is ALWAYS hiring.



goes hand in hand.

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If you'll think about what I posted, it wasn't an insult to what Nick does for a living, but rather an opinion on the mentality of the people who work for him. If the guy didn't take the job seriously, then why would he take quitting seriously.


Not surprisingly, ONCE AGAIN I have to explain things to Ben.

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