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Extinct Ibex resurrected by cloning


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Went extinct in 2000, lol


I said I want a dinosaur, not your sass-mouth !


What is the point? The animal died off because it could not evolve properly to live in it's habitat anymore. LET THEM DIE!


I'd be inclined to agree, but did it die out because of us ?

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Pyrenean ibex, which have distinctive curved horns, were once common in northern Spain and in the French Pyrenees, but extensive hunting during the 19th century reduced their numbers to fewer than 100 individuals.

They were eventually declared protected in 1973, but by 1981 just 30 remained in their last foothold in the Ordesa National Park in the Aragon District of the Pyrenees.

The last bucardo, a 13-year-old female known as Celia, was found dead in January 2000 by park rangers near the French border with her skull crushed.





Go for it! Bring the lil guys back!





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The last natural Pyrenean Ibex, a female named Celia, was found dead on January 6, 2000, apparently killed by a falling tree. Although her cause of death is known, the reason for the extinction of the subspecies as a whole is a mystery.


That's my favorite part of that wiki page. I'm no college professor and most likely will never get nominated for a nobel peace prize or anything like that but even I know the reason for their extinction.....they were fucking stupid. :lol:

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its a little ass goat.... who cares... they are kinda cute though.


and the goat getting killed by a falling tree made me lol... so i used my extreme paint skilz to make this (freetranslation.com said that means look at that tree.... i no hablo espagnol)


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But the breakthrough has raised hopes that it will be possible to save endangered and newly extinct species by resurrecting them from frozen tissue.


It has also increased the possibility that it will one day be possible to reproduce long-dead species such as woolly mammoths and even dinosaurs.


Didn't we learn anything from the movies?



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The last natural Pyrenean Ibex, a female named Celia, was found dead on January 6, 2000, apparently killed by a falling tree. Although her cause of death is known, the reason for the extinction of the subspecies as a whole is a mystery.


That's my favorite part of that wiki page. I'm no college professor and most likely will never get nominated for a nobel peace prize or anything like that but even I know the reason for their extinction.....they were fucking stupid. :lol:


That particular Ibex was being held in an enclosure. :rolleyes: Take Wiki with a grain of salt. It's widely accepted their extinction was due to a number of factors. Overhunting, loss of habitat, loss of grazing grazing due to domestic livestock. The same reason why many animals are endangered or extinct or now "causing problems" or being intrusive to our communities.


If you think it's a waste, then you're an ignorant, selfish human being. As a child and adult, I was always very disappointed to know I would never see many animals alive. Even worse, that there were animals my own children would never see; would never get to experience and enjoy. Granted, I know some of you are just being silly and/or supplying your 'internet toughness' to be sure we know you're really men. :rolleyes::D

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That particular Ibex was being held in an enclosure. :rolleyes: Take Wiki with a grain of salt. It's widely accepted their extinction was due to a number of factors. Overhunting, loss of habitat, loss of grazing grazing due to domestic livestock. The same reason why many animals are endangered or extinct or now "causing problems" or being intrusive to our communities.


If you think it's a waste, then you're an ignorant, selfish human being. As a child and adult, I was always very disappointed to know I would never see many animals alive. Even worse, that there were animals my own children would never see; would never get to experience and enjoy. Granted, I know some of you are just being silly and/or supplying your 'internet toughness' to be sure we know you're really men. :rolleyes::D


yep, I was just horsing around. I think it'd be cool if they would bring back some of those animals....at least the ones they had access too. Seems like a bunch of years ago they found a mammoth frozen that had been very well preserved. I watch all the dino shows on discovery and it always bothers me that they put color markings on them and picture them a certain way but it's just a guess. They could look nothing like that. Be cool to see what one really looked like.

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If you think it's a waste, then you're an ignorant, selfish human being. As a child and adult, I was always very disappointed to know I would never see many animals alive. Even worse, that there were animals my own children would never see; would never get to experience and enjoy. Granted, I know some of you are just being silly and/or supplying your 'internet toughness' to be sure we know you're really men. :rolleyes::D


It's a part of the world that this happens. Eventually the human race at some point will/ should be over run. It does suck that you get to miss out on a lot of the world, but that's the way it is. Natural selection takes place, and the ones that can't survive die off. It is that way and it should stay that way.


The only cloning I would encourage is the cloning of animals that were driven to extinction by humans. Clone the passenger pigeons, that's cool with me, but animals that can't survive in their natural habitat should not be cloned and brought back into the world.


It's not selfishness, it's a fact of life. If the human race is over run, that's the way it should be. We should not be cloned and brought back. We died because we could not survive in the change of effects that was happening in the world.

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