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PayPal + eCheck question


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I recently listed my LG Dare phone on ebay. It was purchased through buy-it-now and the buyer paid through paypal with an eCheck. Well the item sold 1/30/09 and payment was submitted the same day. The transaction originally had an estimated payment clear date of 2/7-2/9. When I checked the transaction status today the estimated transaction clear date has been pushed all the way back to 2/19-2/22! What the hell? I want my money! Has anyone here paid with or been paid with an echeck before? Should it take ANYWHERE near this long? I've got half a mind to cancel the transaction and re-list the item.


Oh, and to add to my dis-comfort the buyer has 0 feed back and has only been an e-bay member since 10/8/08.

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I haven't sent it out yet. I'm waiting till the moniez are safe and sound in my account.


just make sure to get a conformation # when u send it....seems oddd that they changed teh date on you hav eyou since emailed the customer abou this suitation?

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i had this once they did the whole check thing and noticed they said it will clear in a few days to go ahead and ship it. I waited and sure enough it got delayed to farther back and it never did go through, i think they were just trying to get me to ship it without the payment going through.
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ive had them, when they push back like that, they normally dont go thru.only had one push back and not go thru, the other one did. so take it at that!


fix it to where people with no or neg feedback can't bid



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