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Another stock block build

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Guest tbutera2112
  Jeff@Gearheadz said:
:confused: Not me.


who was it then? rob was talkin about someone who put their car into some water out by his old place, thought it was you but i guess not lol

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tyler it was a creek, get it right, and that was mainly his ex-wifes fault.


but might aswell update the pics i forgot over the weekend



but got some holes cut for the gauges to check fitment, the tach is going to be tight on the crash bar, but i can make it work



making sure the door bars clear the arm rests



at this point, my car is donating alot of parts for this build. hoses, alternator and pulleys and so on. your welcome tyler



had to move the over flow jug to clear the alternator ...



pics of the trans lines





ran some wiring for the alt and starter, and got the nitrous stuff fitted.





braided lines ran , and found a rare fox body clutch cable hole grommet


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line lock mounted and all plumbed



dry ice to freeze the floors, and get the crap off way easier



hardest part is this header..after you have done it 20 some times, you can make it look easy...lol starter did need re clocked



other header in



ground clearance(this side hangs lowest)



shifter hole delete, with switchs



fuel pump is mounted



should be rather quiet with the mounting design i came up with



and plumbed into the rest of the factory evap line.



got plates bent up for the cage, and ran some more wiring that i was needed, should be able to sit down and wire it all up in a few hours. and the carb is going thru cleaning, getting the last of thing ready for the fire up, going drop the drive shaft off tomorrow to get shortened and so on

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well shit, ginger got to close to the carb and got sucked in...now little chunks of him are holding the valves open and i cant get it to restart and spit him out the rest of the way. damn it
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Wow dam nice work rob!




U can call me anutswinger or what ever but any shop that's willing to take parts off there personal car to get a customers car finished(ultimately delaying robs car gettin done) is just amazing. Not sure customer service can get better then that. Tip my hat to you rob.


Can't wait to see this thing rolling guys!!!

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was having a issue with the starter, mine got donated

alt, brackets and pulleys, belt

now my brake switch, and prop valve are going on it,

having the drive shaft done now.


ton of little shit go into stuff like this that just keeps adding up. been at it for like 5 days in a row now on this, and still have tons of stuff to finish..lol



right now im fighting with a carb issue. going to pull that all apart and see whats up with that tomorrow.

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