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How do I stop assholes from walking....


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Lets be real. I can't shoot, puch, stab or kick them. Better yet harm them in anyway. The Gran Torino idea is great and I could make that happen, but, no.


Well if you're not willing to take ANY real actions to stop it from happening, then quit bitching about it. Just my opinion.

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So home-owning equates to inanimate object fapping. My mother never had any chemical services treat her yard and it was healthy grass. Hell, I even went crazy and stepped on it every once in awhile.



No, But if I happen to drop 2k into my yard and landscaping i'm going to be pretty protective of that investment.


OK look at it like this, Lets say you park your car out on the street and everyday a group of neighborhood kids walks by your car and one of the runs is hands down the side of your car from bumper to bumper and you see them would you let it go or would you say something?

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No, But if I happen to drop 2k into my yard and landscaping i'm going to be pretty protective of that investment.


OK look at it like this, Lets say you park your car out on the street and everyday a group of neighborhood kids walks by your car and one of the runs is hands down the side of your car from bumper to bumper and you see them would you let it go or would you say something?


It'd be different if he was talking about the landscaping, as in the actual landscape architecture. If the kids walking through his yard were walking through his mulched areas, stomping on plants and flowers, then yes, I'd be upset. To get pissed that someone is walking on naturally-growing grass(though his isn't so natural anymore) is just ridiculous. No wonder this country wants socialism, seeing as how you guys pay more for lawn care then life necessities.

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It'd be different if he was talking about the landscaping, as in the actual landscape architecture. If the kids walking through his yard were walking through his mulched areas, stomping on plants and flowers, then yes, I'd be upset. To get pissed that someone is walking on naturally-growing grass(though his isn't so natural anymore) is just ridiculous. No wonder this country wants socialism, seeing as how you guys pay more for lawn care then life necessities.


Its not our fault we can afford to spend money on lawn care and hookers.

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Just ask your neighbors if you can put a section of fence from your house to theirs to keep them from walking through there, You wont have to fence the whole yard and it should stop them.



Great idea, but one side of me just foreclosed...gone. Other side is an empty lot. No fences.

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  • Fence the yard /thread. If you have a dog, it's priceless anyway. We've had maybe 1-2 kids in 12 years hop the fence and both times the dogs put the fear of God in them.
    Bushes with thorns are awesome too. We have barberries along our front walkway and that definitely keeps people from cutting through the beds. I did laugh when the dogs scared a solicitor so bad he fell into them though...that was so wrong of me :(:D
    Lots of creative ways if you're into having fun though.
  • Sticky rat/mouse traps are absolutely great and fuck up shoes nicely.
  • Strategically placed 2ft deep holes under burlap work.
  • Become bee keeper
  • Fishing line makes great spider web like traps when placed over a large area at random hieghts.
    My favorite
  • You can also do some pretty nasty stuff with poisen ivy, an old blender from the New Uses store and water. People will pick up and pocket just about anything that may be coated in it. Just be careful when handling.
    If you ever have anyone at the office swipe shit off your desk, it's a priceless way to find out who and deliver payback in the most stealthy way. Getting even is sometimes more fun. :ninja:

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  • Fence the yard /thread. If you have a dog, it's priceless anyway. We've had maybe 1-2 kids in 12 years hop the fence and both times the dogs put the fear of God in them.
    Bushes with thorns are awesome too. We have barberries along our front walkway and that definitely keeps people from cutting through the beds. I did laugh when the dogs scared a solicitor so bad he fell into them though...that was so wrong of me :(:D
    Lots of creative ways if you're into having fun though.
  • Sticky rat/mouse traps are absolutely great and fuck up shoes nicely.
  • Strategically placed 2ft deep holes under burlap work.
  • Become bee keeper
  • Fishing line makes great spider web like traps when placed over a large area at random hieghts.
    My favorite
  • You can also do some pretty nasty stuff with poisen ivy, an old blender from the New Uses store and water. People will pick up and pocket just about anything that may be coated in it. Just be careful when handling.
    If you ever have anyone at the office swipe shit off your desk, it's a priceless way to find out who and deliver payback in the most stealthy way. Getting even is sometimes more fun. :ninja:



Note to self: Never piss off pdqgp. Damn, son!!

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Put up a fence or let em be. I don't know how many yards I cut through as a kid. Though come to think of it I jumped a couple fences too.


Violence is the only way to solve this. I have jumped many 5 foot privacy fences as a kid. Chain link fences are nothing.

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man some of u guys are real dicks... the man spent his hard earned money on wanting his estate to look good, then to have some kids walk threw it an not give a shit, i would write up a estimate on how much it would be to fix that section an mail it to there parents. if not find a friend thats a cop an scare the shit outta them ha
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Walk out w/ your gun tucked into your pants when you talk to them just to scare them a bit.


Act like you want to fuck them and offer them to come in for lemonade. And do it everytime you see them. When I worked lawncare a guys would always do it{im guessing he was serious though}...and I absolutly hated mowing his grass.

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Walk to parents house, talk to parents in a polite way that you spend your hard earned money on your lawn and you would appricate that you inform your kids to keep off. If still presists blow up parents car, Parents in return will whip childs ass... no more kids walking on grass.
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  • Fence the yard /thread. If you have a dog, it's priceless anyway. We've had maybe 1-2 kids in 12 years hop the fence and both times the dogs put the fear of God in them.
    Bushes with thorns are awesome too. We have barberries along our front walkway and that definitely keeps people from cutting through the beds. I did laugh when the dogs scared a solicitor so bad he fell into them though...that was so wrong of me :(:D
    Lots of creative ways if you're into having fun though.
  • Sticky rat/mouse traps are absolutely great and fuck up shoes nicely.
  • Strategically placed 2ft deep holes under burlap work.
  • Become bee keeper
  • Fishing line makes great spider web like traps when placed over a large area at random hieghts.
    My favorite
  • You can also do some pretty nasty stuff with poisen ivy, an old blender from the New Uses store and water. People will pick up and pocket just about anything that may be coated in it. Just be careful when handling.
    If you ever have anyone at the office swipe shit off your desk, it's a priceless way to find out who and deliver payback in the most stealthy way. Getting even is sometimes more fun. :ninja:


Wow, I wish random people would cut through my yard, this is brilliant!

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through my yard. Little young punks. Live on the street behind me, so they walk through my yard to get to the street in front of me to do whatever the hell they do. I've come out several times and said.."listen lil fella, dont come thru here". The other week the bastards walked between my house and the neighbors. I'm watching TV and right past my window they walk. I fly outside...."Hey!!!! dont walk through my yard!!!!" Each time..."sorry, sorry". I told them I said listen....if I'm in here in the night and see you walk past my window like that, i'm going to think you're a creeper. I dont take too kindly to creepers...."sorry sorry". OK, you say get a fence. Wont help. They can still walk beside it and up through the yard.


I grew up in a neighborhood that everyone always yelled at kids including me for walking in their yard, so I grew up, have a house and a big yard and don't give a shit if anyone walks through my yard.

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