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Black Man!


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...but why did you need to let everyone know he was black?



I think it was unnecessary, but it was not racist nor was it offensive.


what if I said he was just a gay faggot.


You would think he was white. Right?


Does it matter?


I was trying to put a picture in peoples heads. a 6'5 Gay black man, walking like he was on a runway for a modeling show.


Now if I just say Gay man, people would think he would be like the guy in Silence of the Lambs.


If I said Black Gay man, they would think of Michael Jackson.

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what if I said he was just a gay faggot.


You would think he was white. Right?


Does it matter?


I was trying to put a picture in peoples heads. a 6'5 Gay black man, walking like he was on a runway for a modeling show.


Now if I just say Gay man, people would think he would be like the guy in Silence of the Lambs.


If I said Black Gay man, they would think of Michael Jackson.


Yup, you're racist.

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To be serious for a second... I thought people would have been more offended by the term "faggot"...


I'm much more offended when people simply state color. Why do you have to use slur for Homosexual-Americans though?

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I don't consider referencing him as a black man racist. Nor does it bother me that you called him a faggot(but gay shit is for another thread). Both may bother some but not me.


I think the race card is overplayed today. Racism on both sides exists to this day, but then I think it's true regardless of country of origin. I'm still amazed that the whole black-white thing is made to be the biggest sin of all, when Asians, Mexicans, etc...other races are just as picked on in society. It's not right in my book, but we are all Guilty to some extent. Just the same we need to be a little tolerant otherwise, we'll be breaking heads left and right. Education is key.


Slavery ended over 150 years ago. Let it go already. Slavery didn't just involve blacks either and it wasn't just the whites that practiced it. American Indians had slavery here long before whites broke ground in N.America.


The BS from the 50's, 60's and some would say 70's is long over. The many years between have just about leveled the playing field. Hell, how many success stories of blacks in politics, sports, business and entertainment do we need to convince the masses of society that change is within you, so quit pointing fingers and make something of yourself already. Hell we actually have someone who can really be considered an African American in office. Most of the rest of the public calling themselves African were fucking born here as were their parents and grandparents.


Quit playing the race card and take some accountability. Same said to the White Trash Redneck crowd who bitch and the Mexican Immigrants who reside here. Be done with it already.


What bothers me more now is the reverse racism and the play it gets. Do we have White Entertainment Television?


I think it's funny that during our election Obama supporters made a stink about Hillary Clinton stating the fact that she was winning the votes of white working class people in Pennsylvania and Ohio. They said she was putting race into the election picture. Yet, the Obama people have consistently bragged about getting the African American vote.


I shouldn't say it bothers me more. I actually don't give a shit as there are so many other issues facing the world now that make the color of skin so low on the importance list.


/rant by an Italian-Irish American who's parents both came from the old country via boat.

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The don't think the words are any more racist than they are offensive. Although, I dont know why "black" is needed call a dude a fag. If I called you a fag, i'd say "Buck, you're a fucking fag" or "that guy Buck is a fag"....No need to enter "white" in there. Adds nothing to the verbal slap....just my .2
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The don't think the words are any more racist than they are offensive. Although, I dont know why "black" is needed call a dude a fag. If I called you a fag, i'd say "Buck, you're a fucking fag" or "that guy Buck is a fag"....No need to enter "white" in there. Adds nothing to the verbal slap....just my .2


I can't speak for Buck, but IMO, adding the "black guy" descriptive was used to do two things.


1. more specifically point out who the individual at Best Buy is. I mean how many flamboyantly gay black guys work in that area of BB? His description certainly makes it more clear who the guy is should anyone here care or have visited there.


2. I think it also just simply plays into his general descriptive outline within the story. For me it made me chuckle because while I know a number of blacks, I can't say I can pinpoint any that are flamboyantly gay....but I can say I know or have met several whites who are.

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Being descriptive isn't being racist, but there is a very thin line that exists where it can quickly escalate to racist, or be confused as racist. For instance ...


I am asian, I was near some folks in an elevator, with a fellow telling an amusing anecdote to a friend. I wasn't really listening but "overhearing" the conversation. He was complaining about *whatever* and got to the line "stupid chinese fella couldn't even talk".


Theres a couple different ways to view this, my initial reaction was to be annoyed, than to analyze. What do you mean "Stupid Chinese" ? Is he just a stupid guy, that happens to be chinese ? Being descriptive like that shouldn't offend me, or anyone besides the stupid. However is he stupid because he's chinese ? Thats how easy something can be confused. Also is his english so poor ? I agree immigrants that come into the country legally (as my father did) should try to learn the language of the land (as my father did). Though even after 30 years of speaking english, his is not comparable to my own, as would be expected of anyone besides a native, or a linguist. Even with my fathers decent overall communication skills, I would bet $1000.00 that someone has said "Stupid chinaman can't talk no good" in reference to him before.


Also you can joke with friends in ways you can't with strangers. In a crowd of people I would never yell out something like "I hate white people, and no, I'm not doing any math homework for you !", but amongst friends that would be a pretty innocuous remark. In the end I choose to judge by intent, and not by words specifically.


In your specific case I would say the only folks to be likely offended, would be the homosexual. I consider myself a very tolerant, accepting person, but even in my case, I slip out a little "thats gay", or "what a douche-fag, ass-pounding, aids-spreading, reach-around artist" remark, almost without thinking about how offensive that would be to a gay person. In this case that immediately makes me a huge hypocrite, and I will try to make myself a better human being from here on.

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