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This is why I don't get into these conversations. Now I get the feeling you are trying to wash away the history of my ancestors by saying: "Hey man, its not even that serious anymore. So why don't you guys quit crying about some shit that happened eleventy billion years ago." You are entitled to your opinion about the subject. Yes there are many successful minorities in todays society, not arguing there. There fact remains no matter how much you try, racism will never go away. As long as it remains it will continue to be a sore spot for minorities. These are my opinions, feel free to respond if you'd like. I will no longer participate in this conversation.




THIS is the material that feeds the race inferno. You won't shut up and let it go. You've been told all of your life that you are up against all odds and that your "ancestors" endured against all odds and that somehow this is relevant to your new, free life. Not one person has asked you to forget; they've asked you to be strong and move on, for the better of everyone. If it weren't for history books, you would have absolutely no idea how slavery really was.

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Its easy to say on the outside looking in. Why dont you tell people that were beat, had family murdered, and abused to just put it behind them. Tell the ones that were not allowed to go to college to just work and get over it. Tell the people who worked their entire life for half the pay of the white people next to them to just forget it. I will be the first to say that money wont heal shit, but saying get over it is ignorant.


You can call me ignorant for saying get over it, but holding onto the past isn't getting the black community any further along. I call that stupid.


In my book, holding onto the past, and simply becoming more weighted down by "working the system" and continuing to rely on crutches and asking for more by taxes the haves and paying the have-nots isn't a solution. Not one that is going to get folks anywhere.


I'm not saying forget your past, but take a lesson from the Jewish community and move onward and upward without breaks and entitlements. Do it on equal ground and earn the respect that I feel a lot of racism stems from folks wanting. That has to be earned. Not proven...earned through ones own self.

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This is probably my last post on this. This forum is full of closet racists and I really dont want to get pissed off dealing with people that think they are better than other people. When ever you bring up black people some fucking retard starts talking about handouts. I'm done...

....and you complete the cycle by calling someone racist. How ignorant.

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There fact remains no matter how much you try, racism will never go away. As long as it remains it will continue to be a sore spot for minorities. These are my opinions, feel free to respond if you'd like. I will no longer participate in this conversation.


You're right, there will always be racism and hatred. It's human nature that man doesn't want balance or peace. There will always be haves and have nots, but the point I was trying to bring about is that holding onto the past, the anger and crutches isn't going to get the black race anywhere.


I appreciate you participating as much as you did. Hopefully no ill feeling have stemmed from it. I certainly don't intend for any but black/white text (pun intended) it's often hard to see from either side.

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And just a bit of trivia for you folks: the bell curve for intelligence quotient tests for blacks went up after November 4. This is most likely attributed to the subjects feeling they no longer had to meet a "standard" for their community, or prove something. The bell curves of both whites and blacks are near identical now. This is an absolute true statement.
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This is probably my last post on this. This forum is full of closet racists and I really dont want to get pissed off dealing with people that think they are better than other people. When ever you bring up black people some fucking retard starts talking about handouts. I'm done...


well I certainly hope you're not calling me a closet racist. if you are then you need to meet part of my family that's not Irish or Italian. For the record, you used the term handouts not anyone else and when asked where your compensation was I simply pointed out several areas where financial bennys are/were provided to black families....namely school related.


My point isn't to discuss specific entitlements....., it's that affirmative action should end and that I'm tired of the race card being played period....from anyone. No one needs crutches or wild-cards today. it's time we move on as a society and just plain do what we need to do to move forward. let's end the need to call a TV Station "BET" or the other reverse racist like awards and recognitions. it's time to move on.....segregation ended in the mid 50's....although sometimes I do wonder if it still exists only now it stems from the black community.


Just as an aside, I've met quite a few folks here on CR face to face, but to those I've not, I never even think about who is black or white. However in every single case that I now know who is black...it's been brought up by them in some way. I've yet to see anyone say or strongly imply they are white.


An ironic thing is I remember when I first came here and saw V8 Beast posting as he sort of stood out with cool car and strong screen name...but it wasn't until I saw a picture of you that I found out you were black. I hope you don't feel it ever made a difference in the past. Makes no difference now either. Just thought I would share. I'm sure I'm not alone in that having come up.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Tim that line was based on way more than this thread and your recent posts. You're a cool guy... a little long winded with your posts at times.. but still a cool guy ;). I've read stuff way worse than what was typed in this thread but stayed out of it. I guess all the talk let out some built up frustration.



People see the word racist and think hate which is not true. A closet racist is someone that doesnt realize it, or is in denial. To those that think I may be talking to them dont take it as me calling you a hateful person. Take it as me saying you have a preset opinion about the black (or other) communities without meeting every single one of us (them).


Racist - Discrimination or prejudice based on race.


We are all racist... In our day and age we are taught to keep to ourselves and be politically correct. We may not be as open with it, but its still (and will always be) there. I will admit that I form opinions of people at times before meeting them based on their race. The truth is that a lot of people are racist and dont even realize it. I'm a gayist(spelling) too. When I first saw that Mikehaze drove a mini cooper some time ago I thought he was gay... come to find out the balls never touched. :p



But to get back on the offtopic

Affirmitive action is b.s! Now that salaries are equal, and everyone has a chance its a lot better. It actually hurts the work force more than it helps. Not to mention the people that get hired have to wonder if they earned it. A hard working man doesnt want a hand out. Affirmitive action is a smack in the face.


And yes the segregation in this day and age is caused by black people. The seperation is on purpose, and thats not helping anyone. Also, the 20% that live in poverty with their hand out making up excuses makes the 80% look bad. I agree with the moving forward, but we should never forget where we came from. I agree that the past should not to be used as a crutch. Anyone that sits around blaming "the man" is worthless. I thought you were saying we should forget about it. Since you are saying to stop using it as a crutch.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-el5-Yfp14&feature=channel_page


OK, now I'm done. And closing this crap before it gets out of control.

Edited by V8 Beast
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