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Black Man!


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  1. 1. Who is your favorite member of the CR Village People

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    • Indian - Jones
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Must be nice to not have to rely on your actual intellect and societal contributions. So let's fight discrimination...with discrimination!


Exactly! Although, I think you slightly missed the sarcasm of most of my post. Its quite understandable, its much harder for me (black man) to convey. Due to my lack of actual education, as I was just passed along with my 'silver spoon' of education, I am not as intelligent as you are to properly express it. Me sorriez :(

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we dont know why but she had a better interview, better references etc and the white woman was hired. maybe she just wasnt a good fit for that district. the neighboring district did hire her though and she is the only black woman in that district.

so was it racism??? or a form of??? [at the district that didnt hire her?]


how do know the interview was better?


better references? come on, has anyone ever submitted a bad reference to a job? when I would get references from candidates, I would call them and hunt for the little things as overall, I wouldn't expect the reference would say anything other than great things about the candidate.


now fit....yeah, it could be she wasn't a good fit. I often times turned away a by the book better candidate because of a gut feel or impression that they weren't a good fit either into our corporate culture or team fit because of their personality.


so in this case for the question of it being racism to be applied so quickly fits my comments above...play the card when it may benefit the situation.

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Exactly! Although, I think you slightly missed the sarcasm of most of my post. Its quite understandable, its much harder for me (black man) to convey. Due to my lack of actual education, as I was just passed along with my 'silver spoon' of education, I am not as intelligent as you are to properly express it. Me sorriez :(


You assume I'm white. I'm offended at your racism. Now, in return, I demand free kolledge edgeucation, a civil rights movement and a recording label.

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We have a couple more generations to go to make up for the 400+ years. Still waiting on my 40 acres and the mule, but hey at least we got affirmative action outta the deal :cool:


I don't get your comment about the 400+ years. So do I get to go back nearly four centuries and cry foul about things that far back? There are no entitlements in todays world.


I won't for a minute believe anyone here is being held back from being all they can be because of slavery or whatever you're referencing. Affirmative action should be tossed the hell out out by our current president and all the other black members of leadership who pretty much proved the notion of needing such an outdated rule is no longer needed.


This country is so fucking far in the whole with everyone feeling they are entitled to assistance and socialistic ways of life, it makes me sick. It's about time that families across the country to become accountable for their themselves and for their kids.


It starts with education and even the kids in the biggest ghetto town around can go to school, work hard, get out of the hood and compete for an education and a job. Will they have obstacles that perhaps I didn't have? Sure....but guess what.....that's fucking life!! I don't have all the silver spoon BS that other white folks do either, but I did it....and my wife and her three sisters all did it too. Fucking country ass poor white folks in Caldwell, Ohio in a home with no running water and an out-house worked their way through law school and medical school 110% on their own and killed it.


You want a stimulus package, you got one....it starts from within. Now go get it.

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I don't get your comment about the 400+ years. So do I get to go back nearly four centuries and cry foul about things that far back? There are no entitlements in todays world.


I won't for a minute believe anyone here is being held back from being all they can be because of slavery or whatever you're referencing. Affirmative action should be tossed the hell out out by our current president and all the other black members of leadership who pretty much proved the notion of needing such an outdated rule is no longer needed.


It was a joke for the most part. I can say that I have dealt with racism myself. I don't feel the need to share the situation, because my experience is pretty mundane compared to what I've heard from my grandparents. You act like it was so long ago, segregation was active in some areas of the US until the 1960's. But this is not a topic I want to get into, it goes nowhere fast.

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Anyone who thinks its far behind us has their head far up their behind.


the 60's and 70's are far behind us. if everyone would just let it go already and move on and be accountable and work hard and accept that life is not fair, life is not easy, life deals different cards to everyone and that not expect entitlements then the racism that does exist because of the things I've mentioned in this thread will be negligable.


do you think whites are racist because they are still pissed that the small percentage of slave owners that did exist don't still get to own a slave?


or is it that folks of all other races are pissed because a select few get to still cry's foul and expects entitlements?

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My grandparents moving from Italy to a poverty-stricken city and enduring grueling jobs happened less long-ago then any of you experienced slavery. Where's my compensation?


You must be my long lost cousin as my father came over from Italy on a boat with his mom and dad. They lived in a shack and worked in a quarry and never cried to anybody. They fucking worked hard and made their life on their own.

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Who's getting compensation?


poor black families......it's better be a poor black family than it is a poor white family in this country no question about it.


I went to a catholic high school that with inner city blacks who got to attend school for free, yet my father had to pay full tuition and work his ass off to put me there. How's that fair? They got special tutors, didn't have a minium grade point to maintain like I did, nothing....yet they went there for free. I call that compensation.


The white middle class is being punished for reasons they don't deserve. And whites do have to work harder when being compared to a black man. If a white guy gets a score of 50, and a black guy does too...Preference goes to the black guy because of his skin color. Therefore, the white guy has to at least get a 51. They must do better...and even then can be turned away so that a quota can be filled. It's wrong and if I were black....embarrassing and insulting.


Affirmative action is fucked up. Hell, look at NFL teams.......there are teams who already have an assistant coach lined up for the job, but are still forced to interview a minority... It's a waste of time and actually insulting to the minority candidate being interviewed because he knows they are only doing it because they have to. It's not like there are a ton of qualified candidates out there that are being denied opportunity because of their skin color.


Again, life isn't fair and never will be. Our country has a history of slavery, but tons of groups have had persecution affect them. What about whites whose ancestors were forced from England or (insert country here), and came to America and had to work in shitty labor conditions?....ie....my family. Generations later and bottomline, a black guy in those same conditions will get preference over that white guy.


I've mentioned it begins with education, and I would hope that you realize a very, very small percentage of whites owned slaves, and that blacks and Indians were selling slaves from other African tribes as well. Slavery isn't just "a white thing." I mean, many whites risked their lives to help free blacks... Many whites helped blacks get to where they are today, yet we end up getting the short straw to this very day.

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My grandparents moving from Italy to a poverty-stricken city and enduring grueling jobs happened less long-ago then any of you experienced slavery. Where's my compensation?


How does that make them a slave by any means? Were they brought over by force against their will? Were they bought and sold as goods, and not even considered human-beings? You can't say they your ancestors lives, even compared to mine. In history they say the holocaust was the biggest genocide with IIRC 6 million deaths. Imagine how many blacks were killed over the extent of 400 years, that being the socially accepted years for slavery.

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How does that make them a slave by any means? Were they brought over by force against their will? Were they bought and sold as goods, and not even considered human-beings? You can't say they your ancestors lives, even compared to mine. In history they say the holocaust was the biggest genocide with IIRC 6 million deaths. Imagine how many blacks were killed over the extent of 400 years, that being the socially accepted years for slavery.


Again, slavery is not a white thing. Slavery existed in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, in the Inca empire too. Hell, even the Muslim in the Middle East captured and enslaved Africans.


It's over dude...been over for a long while. Doesn't even enter into a single decision I make when it comes to a person of color. So too are the times of the 50's and 60's when segregation existed. Those days are long gone too.


I'll say it again....we have a black president......I know it's supposed to be a secret....but he fucking won the election on his own merit. Rumor is there are quite a few minority elected officials around too. I think even our mayor might be black. Don't tell anyone though. Movies stars and music artists are even made up of large numbers of successful blacks....and don't forget sports....even in golf, the leading guy is black.


But after all that, we still don't believe that a single race in our society of hundreds of different races who have also suffered severe oppression can make it on their own or not have some type of wild-card to play when needed. Even the thousands of Muslims that are well settled in the heart of Dearborn, Michigan and all over the US don't cry foul.....well, very, very rarely do they. Post 9/11, that's amazing. Yet they make it to the top levels of success through hard work just like everyone else.


Hey, eveyone has a different opinion on how to get things done. Me, if I'm injured and need a crutch for a while so be it. But I'll be damn if I'm going to go through life with a cane or crutches begging for a handicap sticker whenever I feel the reality of life being unfair and different for a guy like me.

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the 60's and 70's are far behind us. if everyone would just let it go already and move on and be accountable and work hard and accept that life is not fair, life is not easy, life deals different cards to everyone and that not expect entitlements then the racism that does exist because of the things I've mentioned in this thread will be negligable.


do you think whites are racist because they are still pissed that the small percentage of slave owners that did exist don't still get to own a slave?


or is it that folks of all other races are pissed because a select few get to still cry's foul and expects entitlements?


Its easy to say on the outside looking in. Why dont you tell people that were beat, had family murdered, and abused to just put it behind them. Tell the ones that were not allowed to go to college to just work and get over it. Tell the people who worked their entire life for half the pay of the white people next to them to just forget it. I will be the first to say that money wont heal shit, but saying get over it is ignorant.


I know a 70 year old lady can still go to college, I know time can heal, but they lived lives that we are lucky to only have to read about.

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Again, slavery is not a white thing. Slavery existed in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, in the Inca empire too. Hell, even the Muslim in the Middle East captured and enslaved Africans.


It's over dude...been over for a long while. Doesn't even enter into a single decision I make when it comes to a person of color. So too are the times of the 50's and 60's when segregation existed. Those days are long gone too.


I'll say it again....we have a black president......I know it's supposed to be a secret....but he fucking won the election on his own merit. Rumor is there are quite a few minority elected officials around too. I think even our mayor might be black. Don't tell anyone though. Movies stars and music artists are even made up of large numbers of successful blacks....and don't forget sports....even in golf, the leading guy is black.


But after all that, we still don't believe that a single race in our society of hundreds of different races who have also suffered severe oppression can make it on their own or not have some type of wild-card to play when needed. Even the thousands of Muslims that are well settled in the heart of Dearborn, Michigan and all over the US don't cry foul.....well, very, very rarely do they. Post 9/11, that's amazing. Yet they make it to the top levels of success through hard work just like everyone else.


Hey, eveyone has a different opinion on how to get things done. Me, if I'm injured and need a crutch for a while so be it. But I'll be damn if I'm going to go through life with a cane or crutches begging for a handicap sticker whenever I feel the reality of life being unfair and different for a guy like me.


This is why I don't get into these conversations. Now I get the feeling you are trying to wash away the history of my ancestors by saying: "Hey man, its not even that serious anymore. So why don't you guys quit crying about some shit that happened eleventy billion years ago." You are entitled to your opinion about the subject. Yes there are many successful minorities in todays society, not arguing there. There fact remains no matter how much you try, racism will never go away. As long as it remains it will continue to be a sore spot for minorities. These are my opinions, feel free to respond if you'd like. I will no longer participate in this conversation.

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This is probably my last post on this. This forum is full of closet racists and I really dont want to get pissed off dealing with people that think they are better than other people. When ever you bring up black people some fucking retard starts talking about handouts. I'm done...
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