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In all honesty I think we should hold out on doing this until it gets warmer. Filming when it's cold is a bitch because your fingers get so cold that you can't use the buttons on the camera. It's a fantastic idea and I'm 100% for it, now's just not the best time.


We can definitely scheme and get some different ideas for it though. ;)


Just because this weekend got cold doesn't mean that next weekend will be. 8 fixed pictures on a tripod will be very, very quick. And the opening of the video being headlights moving to the beat of the music like an equalizer, well, that's some sweet shit for an opening. :cool:

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I get what you're saying and it's a cool concept, I just think that you'd be happier with the results when it's actually warm enough to work. ;)


Either way, it will be a sick video and I would be more than happy to work on it with you. I got your AIM SN out of your info, and you can get mine if you'd like so we can talk more about this.

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Exactly my point Kevin. If we wait until the weather breaks more people with nicer cars would be willing to come out. I don't have a problem with driving my cars if it's a little bit cold or if the roads aren't in the best of shape, but it's definitely not my first choice. I'm a little bit more lenient with driving now, but I know a lot of people aren't.


If you want to get a good video with a bunch of nice cars and some actual good footage, then you've gotta wait until it gets warmer, plain and simple. :)

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opinion removed...dont want to shit your thread... i really like your idea of the shots though...


everyone else...babies


If you want a video that doesn't show the true cars of CR and that's shaky because of a freezing videographer then be my guest. I'll help edit whatever Miller gets now, but I won't be shooting anything myself until it gets warmer.

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