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Cave home for sale

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Saw that a couple of days ago. While I agree the idea behind it is absolutely sweet, that guy executed the plan terribly. Seriously, I'd rather buy an empty cave and start fresh, than to pay the $300k he's asking and have to tear down all of his garbage to start over.


The interior architecture leads me to think that he's just some schmuck who took a trip to Home Depot and got the brilliant idea that he could build a home all by himself.

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Saw that a couple of days ago. While I agree the idea behind it is absolutely sweet, that guy executed the plan terribly. Seriously, I'd rather buy an empty cave and start fresh, than to pay the $300k he's asking and have to tear down all of his garbage to start over.


The interior architecture leads me to think that he's just some schmuck who took a trip to Home Depot and got the brilliant idea that he could build a home all by himself.


thats what i thought too

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Saw that a couple of days ago. While I agree the idea behind it is absolutely sweet, that guy executed the plan terribly. Seriously, I'd rather buy an empty cave and start fresh, than to pay the $300k he's asking and have to tear down all of his garbage to start over.


The interior architecture leads me to think that he's just some schmuck who took a trip to Home Depot and got the brilliant idea that he could build a home all by himself.


Well, from the pics I just saw, it didn't look near as bad as you made it sound. Also, try to remember that this used to be an old mine. It technically wasn't started from scratch. And look at that room! There's gotta be some room for cave gokarting or some damn thing! lol


I saw a program many years ago about cave homes. Real cave homes, underground. There's this one place with an entire community underground including a small store. There's probably more, now. It also covered building and cost of said homes and it was much cheaper to build an equivalent cave home, not only in building cost, but over the longrun, as well, ie; upkeep, monthly bills, etc.


I already keep my house like a cave. If I can't have my own island, this is one of my next choices.

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Well, from the pics I just saw, it didn't look near as bad as you made it sound. Also, try to remember that this used to be an old mine. It technically wasn't started from scratch. And look at that room! There's gotta be some room for cave gokarting or some damn thing! lol




That's what I thought. That place is badass. Think about how much garage space you'd have with that huge cave opening.

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Cool idea...neat place to maybe stay for a night or two, but I need light....natural light from all around. I couldn't live there. Looks like it would feel like the laundry room in the basement.


One of the main reasons we bought our home now is that it has several walls of windows.

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Well, from the pics I just saw, it didn't look near as bad as you made it sound. Also, try to remember that this used to be an old mine. It technically wasn't started from scratch. And look at that room! There's gotta be some room for cave gokarting or some damn thing! lol


I saw a program many years ago about cave homes. Real cave homes, underground. There's this one place with an entire community underground including a small store. There's probably more, now. It also covered building and cost of said homes and it was much cheaper to build an equivalent cave home, not only in building cost, but over the longrun, as well, ie; upkeep, monthly bills, etc.


I already keep my house like a cave. If I can't have my own island, this is one of my next choices.


There's no denying that interior is built like shit.

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Question & Answer's are a mile long


Answered On

Q: Obama just obtained approval of the mortgage foreclosure bailout deal. Could this help you refinance your cave? Feb-19-09

A: The current deal in Washington requires that the note holder be Fannie Mea or Fannie Mac... They are also not thrilled at the concept of self employed. We don't fit neatly in any income to bla bla. Then finally there is the house. Not really an easy comparable. Several professional realty folks have told me that it is worth, “Exactly what someone is willing to pay”. Naturally I have my ideas.

Q: Do you have any problems with bugs or rodents? Feb-19-09

A: Nothing a cat or two won’t handle. ( hee hee ) Again our home is a mine tunnel from it’s origin. It has more in kind with the thumbhole of a bowling ball than a guano filled natural environment that humans should not live in. Nature needs all of her natural caves. The critters that do get in are likely to get in to your current house. In our attic we have some cob webs. Wife is not in to the whole chemical nation of pesticides. I guess I am not either. Time has shown no major bites and no infestations of any kind. No food above 1st floor. Not food trash or dishes allowed outside of the kitchen. If you don’t start it by providing habitat you really can find a comfy balance with your environment. We like to think we have. Not to say we didn’t have to bomb one flea season. Just don’t tell my wife I did it. I also have a couple hidden bottles of “kill it” or something that I save for the occasional poison ivy vine.

Q: Hello, can you tell me if you own the land or is this on a leased parcle owned by the state , also in one of your pictures shows a tunnel is this the rear entrance or exit thanks . Feb-19-09

A: The 2.8 acres of land are included in the overall property. This is not leased parcel. The tunnel picture is deceiving. That is the back chamber. It is about the size of a football field. The 21 to 25 foot ceiling runs back to the stage. It took us a couple weeks just to figure out how to get the picture. Thanks Curt Sleeper

Q: Hi Does this get morning sun or afternoon sun in winter? Thanks, Jeannette Feb-19-09

A: I have been enjoying a rising sun every day this week. Center / left of my cave opening. Our Ceiling height in the front room is 37 feet high. Our glass wall brings warmth and a beautiful skyline daily. There are also some really cool moon seasons.

Q: I'm sick that you have to sell this....Is there a govt Bail out for caves? Can I send a small donation,$30.00 toward the balance you owe? Maybe if enough of us donate you can save your home! I'd love to help but don't have alot either. Feb-19-09

A: Oh,,, thank you so much. You and many wonderful people like your self have offered donations. I just do not feel worthy in this economy. I develop web sites. I have income. Just no credit. There are a many people looking for food. There are many people looking for basic health care. Please do donate 30 bucks to this world. Just give it to someone with a little more need. I think we will finance or sell this property. Being capable of repayment means that I should give 30 bucks to the person just laid off work. Or a neighbor who cant buy medicine. I seriously applaud your consideration. Please do help a neighbor. Thanks Curt Sleeper

Q: Very Interesting, which direction does the entrance face (N-S-E-W)? Feb-19-09

A: North East. The sun warms the house until around 2:00pm

Q: Could you put a "counter" on this auction to see how many hits it gets....thnx Feb-19-09

A: I don't know if that would work retroactively. My website has been swamped several times. We have exerianced over 3 million hits since Feb, 8th.

Q: How do you keep the interior dry? Feb-19-09

A: I currently run three commercial grade dehumidifiers. They run about 40% of the time. Our total utilities are equal to our 800 Square foot previous home.

Q: , hello; is there on the 2.8 scenic acres any fishing ponds for recreational use? thank you for your time Feb-19-09

A: We have built one in the corner 180 feet long with a 80 foot round end then a 100 foot end about 50 feet wide. The dam was built by a local professional. The water never gets deeper than 2 feet due to micro fractures in the ground. May need pond fixing and really has not hit the top of our priorities yet. However we are going to have to finish it. There are pictures on the site.

Q: I have big hopes you guys find a way to keep your home. It's one of the kind and in the best way any one could think of. I know what a blast must be living there, you may never get use to the shoes box and miss your cave forever. I don't have the $, my buss is growing in a few years I may be able to but not now. The point is if any one with $ see this auction, $300K is nothing for this home... Any picture of the way the ponds are set, can it hold fish adding some light? TO ANY ONE READING THIS CAVE HAS A $1MILLION+ VALUE (JUST THE CAVE) Feb-19-09

A: Thanks for your kind words.

Q: Hi there! We are from Desoto. I can't believe the cave it for sale! You should generate advertizing by calling 2, 4, 5 and the Leader. There is too must history there. With the old concerts and everything. To who ever wins...this IS a famous landmark in our area. You are not only getting a great house, but also a piece of local and music history. Feb-19-09

A: Hello to Desoto. One of my favorite towns. Yes our home is regionally well known. We have generated significant attention to our home. All of the above except the Leader. The leaders publisher does not believe in the internet. Thanks for your kind words. Curt Sleeer

Q: how did you get a stage in there that Ted nugent played on? Way cool house by the way. Do you also sleep upside down like a bat? Feb-18-09

A: The cave was a concert venue between 1960 and 1985. Ted Nugent, Bob Segar and Tina Turner are just a few of the groups that have performed here. No I do not sleep upside down you silly topsider.

Q: How is your wastewaer treated ? Feb-18-09

A: We have public water and sewer. We are in the middle of town. I replaced all of our sewer lines with brand new 4" PVC connected to the public line in our front yard.

Q: Have you thought of renting online for private parties? You could make money on 2 nights weekend 4,000 or more..anyway - it looks amazing and wish I had the money. Feb-18-09

A: If we survive the refinance without selling our home we are going to try and do the private parties gig. Perhaps even a B&B. If we sell our home I am sure it will be considered by the new owner. Thanks.

Q: I understand the overall cave is 15,000 sq, but could you provide dimensions of the various rooms in the finished sections?? Feb-18-09

A: Certainly. BR 1 : 10 x 12 BR 2 : 10 X 12 BR 3 : 12 x 12 LR 20x20 Kitchen 20x20 Front Room 14 x 16 Under Bath Room 1 20X18 Foyer 80X25 ( x35) Middle Chamger 80x80

Q: Is there any type of heating in place> What type of utilities/bills are incurred? Thank you, Feb-16-09

A: There is no heating or cooling required. The home stays between 67 and 75 degrees year round. The front windows act as a passive solar heater to the regular 62 degree home. Our utilites run us approx. the same as our 800 sq ft. home we had previously. Under 300 per month. We are an all electric home.

Q: Your place is FABULOUS! A balloon note is not necessarily due, it is just an option for the bank to call it due. Try to renegotiate, with the current banking woes, no bank wants your unique house on their list. Unless you have damaged your credit, missed payments or lost income, they may listen. I pray you will have much favor and understanding with your lender. Give it a try! Feb-15-09

A: Thank you for your kind words. Our note is not with a bank now. We are certainly in contact with everyone. Including this option of selling our home. May not be my first choice however it is better than loosing our equity entirely. Lost income is true for 99% of those self employed. Myself included. I have always used "Stated Income" for loans. Guess what they no longer do.

Q: have you thought about making a bed and breakfast out of your home so you can keep it? or renting by the week I think a lot of people would love to stay in it for a short time and wouldent mind paying a $1000 a week or moor. just an idea. Feb-12-09

A: Yes, however we have spent five years completing the construction as residential. If we turn it commercial we would have to go through inspections as commercial. (tick tock tick tock ) Our original plan was to refinance after we built the house. That plan lands us where we are. Only a few months to go and a lot of sweat equity and investment locked in. We would consider all offers or possible partnership ideas. For that matter we would consider all ideas... he he Thanks for the question. Curt Sleeper

Q: Your web site links are not working. The URL does not work either. Feb-12-09

A: THank you. My shared hostin enviroment is working on this issue. We have had a huge response to this listing and may be causeing the problem........ The site will be back up soon. Please come back and visit latter today. I expect it to be up by 11:00am today thursday Feb 12th. Thanks. Curt Sleeper

Q: How much space is behind the living area? I saw photos of the "house" section on your site, but no details on what is behind the back wall of the living space. Is it usable space, or just raw rock? Feb-10-09

A: The cave is divided by two concrete block walls. The first one defined the fron of our house. The second one defines what we call the middle chamber. The middle chamber is 80 feet by 80 feet. It also has a laundry room area and bathroom. The third or furthest back chamber is in the pictures and shows the stage area. All three chambers can be used for future building. The only requirement is de-humidification. I have plans for circulation of fresh air to the third chamber. I intened to used the three chambers as a natural de-humidifier. The third chamber could be used as a tempature exchange and the middle chamber ( small part of ) can be set to dehumidify the fresh air prior to creating a positive pressure space in the front home. I will also update pictures on my website to show more detail. You might keyword search for Tent World and Stage.

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