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DOW below 7k


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hopefully i dont eat these words but I dont see it going to 5500 or below. im probably going to cash out all my short positions and buy up some bargains and ride the wave for awhile. ive gotten too lucky so far esp with my shorts, so ill take my chances with low prices, time and buy for the long haul.
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I kind of hope things go a bit less. I am looking long term, and if things are cheap, my Retirement Funds will be bying them cheap. I am still putting in the same $$$ as always, and now it is going further than ever before. HOPEFULLY, it works out for the better. Mind you, I am looking 30+ years down the line.


As for my partens, they invested a LOT of $$$ into several Retirements Funds just a few years ago. They are now worth LESS than they put in. Talk about shitting timing for them! :(



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I think its funny. Apparently the republicans did think obama was the messiah. This shits messed up.


And bush was doing such a great job of fixing things.


Even when your savior is elected, you still refer back to Bush's terms. Obama can do anything he wants, or nothing at all, and his supporters will just point out that he inherited it all, so he's exempt. Pitiful. If he is going to be effective in uplifting the economy, he needs to be more active and look at history.


Didn't you have a Mccain-lie-counter in your sig during the campaigns? Why don't you have one now for the Obama-lie-counter?

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Even when your savior is elected, you still refer back to Bush's terms. Obama can do anything he wants, or nothing at all, and his supporters will just point out that he inherited it all, so he's exempt. Pitiful. If he is going to be effective in uplifting the economy, he needs to be more active and look at history.


Didn't you have a Mccain-lie-counter in your sig during the campaigns? Why don't you have one now for the Obama-lie-counter?


My saviour .... WTF Like I said republicans are the ones that are going OMG HE ANIT FIXED IT YET.


It bugs me you have RUSH this guy is a complete POS and the consertive base are lefting him up like the messiah. This guy wants america to fail.


Mike how about this. Why don't you explain to me what your expectations for obama are? If you look he is attempting to fix things. Maybe you disagree but you can't say he's not trying.


Do I know how to fix the problem? NO

Do you know how ? NO


You may disagree with how he's going at it but he is trying. Imagine how much more money we would have if we had not been in iraq for so damn long.

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My saviour .... WTF Like I said republicans are the ones that are going OMG HE ANIT FIXED IT YET.


It bugs me you have RUSH this guy is a complete POS and the consertive base are lefting him up like the messiah. This guy wants america to fail.


Mike how about this. Why don't you explain to me what your expectations for obama are? If you look he is attempting to fix things. Maybe you disagree but you can't say he's not trying.


Do I know how to fix the problem? NO

Do you know how ? NO


You may disagree with how he's going at it but he is trying. Imagine how much more money we would have if we had not been in iraq for so damn long.


1. What a coincidence that the more leftist news agencies have been raising hell about Rush the past few days, and all of a sudden you jump-wagon too. For one, I don't listen to him on the radio or read his columns. He is just one of many voices that associate themselves with the broken republican party and you're trying to squeeze some sort of negativity out of him.


2. Is that a serious response about "At least Obama is trying."? That's the same fucking thing the Bush-supporters said at the end of his term, yet you liberalites did not hold back with your unwarranted and uneducated bashing. When you're president, "trying" is not enough. Presidents that try and fail at what they were elected to do should be ousted, or at the very least, CHANGE the direction they've chosen.

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My saviour .... WTF Like I said republicans are the ones that are going OMG HE ANIT FIXED IT YET.


It bugs me you have RUSH this guy is a complete POS and the consertive base are lefting him up like the messiah. This guy wants america to fail.


Mike how about this. Why don't you explain to me what your expectations for obama are? If you look he is attempting to fix things. Maybe you disagree but you can't say he's not trying.


Do I know how to fix the problem? NO

Do you know how ? NO


You may disagree with how he's going at it but he is trying. Imagine how much more money we would have if we had not been in iraq for so damn long.



At least he is trying? A pork pet project bill and the 2nd half of Bush's bailout?


Sounds great to me!

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When the dow was at an all time high in 07 it was on the back of a credit bubble about ready to burst. In other words, it wasnt real money. People are losing real money now, but there were no or bad assets to back the paper then.


The same way the dow was overbought then, I think it's over sold now. I reminds me of the oil bubble bursting.


However, I do not think it is Coincidence that whenever Obama speaks, the market trends lower. His policies hinder free markets. Housing needs to correct on ITS OWN and that will be the start of a positive direction for the market.


BTW: we've seen similar situations in the past. Reagan cut taxes for EVERYONE and things started getting better. This adminstration promotes a class warfare that is tearing this country apart from the inside.

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However, I do not think it is Coincidence that whenever Obama speaks, the market trends lower. His policies hinder free markets. Housing needs to correct on ITS OWN and that will be the start of a positive direction for the market.



It's not coincidence, but it isn't the effect most people are making it out to be. It has nothing to do with his actual policies or plans, it is the lack of clarity and lack of real details. I suggest that everyone here that wants to really learn more, should read Prospect Theory and learn some behavioral economics. The fear of uncertainty is one of the most powerful emotions in finance.

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Some of you people are the same people that blame Clinton for this bubble. When in fact it was Bush's policies and deregulation that lead to a lot of this credit mess.


Some of you people are the same people that say the same damn thing everytime we had a democrate in power... "We are only doing so well because the republican in office before did such a great job with the ecomomy." And you are giving this man 2 months to fix a problem that has been built up for the last 8-10 years?


Please explain how THIS administration promotes class warfare anymore than our last pathetic excuse of a president did?!


Change IS happening and its not about the "bailouts" or taxcuts, its going to take hard work and time to fix our problems. Wait... didn't Obama say that? Yup he did...


I cannot believe you guys still stick up for a man and administration that has lied to us all time and time and time and time again. That is pathetic.

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Some of you people are the same people that blame Clinton for this bubble. When in fact it was Bush's policies and deregulation that lead to a lot of this credit mess.


Some of you people are the same people that say the same damn thing everytime we had a democrate in power... "We are only doing so well because the republican in office before did such a great job with the ecomomy." And you are giving this man 2 months to fix a problem that has been built up for the last 8-10 years?


Please explain how THIS administration promotes class warfare anymore than our last pathetic excuse of a president did?!


Change IS happening and its not about the "bailouts" or taxcuts, its going to take hard work and time to fix our problems. Wait... didn't Obama say that? Yup he did...


I cannot believe you guys still stick up for a man and administration that has lied to us all time and time and time and time again. That is pathetic.


Blaming Bush for all of it is just as naive as blaming Clinton for all of it.

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