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Dog ACL replacment surgery


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My 8 year old Golden is at Capital Vetrinary Clinic to have his ACL on one of his back legs replaced tomorrow. I was curious if anyone has had this kind of a surgery performed on a dog before, if so how was the dog after the surgery, who did it, and what did it cost?


I didnt get multiple oppinions except for a quick search online to make sure it wasnt overpriced, the price seemed about average ($1700-$1900).




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Getting a lateral suture or TPLO?


You can guess, my dog had both done. BTW, if one leg blows the ACL, the other is soon to follow.


Lateral Suture is about $700


TPLO is about $2000


Lateral Suture is fine for any dog, my 100lbs lab, has one TPLO and one Lateral Suture and both legs are fine. Wish I hadn't spent so much on the TPLO.

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Whats the difference between the two? I wasnt gven an option, she said this is what he needs and told me what it costs.


Her tore it when he fell on our wood floors, he has had problems with that leg for years. The Vet told me they are replacing his ACL with a Nylon strap thing, she showed me what it was.

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nylon strap thing, that is a lateral suture. should be around $700.


Gahanna Animal Hospital.


Is it? Whats a TPLO then?


What she described to me was that they replaced the torn ligament with a nylon strap instead of fixing the ligament. If thats a Lateral suture then I'm going to take him somewhere else because $1700 is WAY high for that.

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OK, I figured out the differences. It seems that they are WAY overcharging me for a Lateral suture. I'm going to get him and take him somewhere else.
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Gahanna Animal Hospital, they will behonest and charge you what it is worth.


TPLO is like a bone graft reconstruction thing. Takes a very specialized surgeon to do it and costs around $2000.

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I have a golden retriever and at almost 2 years old he had to have boh hips replaced and 1 knee surgery. bought from some lady my mother found online cant contact her so i had to pay out of pocket. I can get the information on the 1 doctor who did the hip surgery was real good but i had a problem with the office who did the knee. here are some photos of the bad wrap job cutting into his leg.



Sorry if you have a weak stomach















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