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If you've seen this movie, do you agree our population seems to be headed in that direction?


Things like this just keep backing up my opinion.

More than 85% of students today aren't considering careers in engineering, a new survey found, as more parents encourage girls specifically to become actresses than IT professionals.
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Yes, we are rapidly going in that direction. Just listen to how people talk to each other anymore, how much time we watch stupid programs on TV, how everything is become more corporate, etc. It's a look at our future. Thank god it's a hilarious future though.
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My friend has told me to see the movie but I haven't yet...


More than 85% of students today aren't considering careers in engineering, a new survey found, as more parents encourage girls specifically to become actresses than IT professionals.


Cool, I'm less than 15%.

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First 5 minute explains everything that is going wrong today.

The rest of the movie is boring fail.


There were a lot of funny parts, I enjoyed it for a brainless movie.

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More than 85% of students today aren't considering careers in engineering, a new survey found, as more parents encourage girls specifically to become actresses than IT professionals.

Can't blame 'em. I've got an engineering degree, and while I may have "engineer" in my title, I'm little more than glorified helldesk/babysitter.

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"If you don't smoke Tarryltons... Fuck You!"


The story behind the movie is really interesting though. Fox didn't promote it at all, and it ended up only being released in 125 theaters. Apparently they didn't like the fact that they made of Fox News Channel in it, or that it's scarily accurate to what this country is turning into. The whole anti-corporate theme didn't go over well either.

Edited by Flyin' Miata
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I actually plan on wathing it this weekend. And yes, sometimes I wonder if we aren't slowing our natural evolution into a more superior species. Every decade that goes by, we coddle the stupid, the purposely ignorant and make excuses for them more and more.
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