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NHL Trade Deadline - CBJ


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Well it looks like we traded LaClaire and a 2nd round draft pick for Antoine Vermette from Ottawa. I am sad to see LaClaire go, but it sounds like we picked up a semi-good center that we badly need. Looks like he can help with our lousy power play as well.


I was really looking forward to seeing Mason and LaClaire trading off time next year between the goal, but I guess not. I wonder will they pick up another goalie or pull up LaCoasta for next year? I guess we will just wait and see.


Oh yeah and the deadline is 3 pm today, so we might see some more CBJ moves.

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Who the hell is Vermette? Is he any good?


He's a winger has played some center, but far better as a winger(been said he'll center the Nash and Huselius line unless we land someone before 3PM) from Ottawa. He's got a lot of speed and is talented offensively, but hasn't shown it this year with only 9 goals. (although Ottawa is the lowest scoring team this year so I wouldn't look into that too much)


I've been watching the bluejackets247 forum all day b/c those guys are pretty good with updating it instantly with information.


I really hope that Howson can somehow come to terms with Burke so we could land Kubina here in Columbus.


It looks like Calgary just landed Jokinen, so much for that thought. :-\

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Peace out, Leclaire.


As said, Vermette has great speed, but he's had a poor team this year, so it's been difficult to see any chemistry that he can produce. I really want to see Nik Antropov centering for Juice and Nash. He'll go somewhere, but I have doubts that Howson can pick him up.

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So, is Dubielewicz our backup goalie for the rest of the year?


Howson said he wanted to address 3 things before the deadline: A good center for Nash/Huselius, a good puck moving defensemen, and a backup goaltender. Now whether or not we'll get all that we'll see in the next hour and 20 minutes.

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Vermette will play center. He was 14-0 the other night in the faceoff circle. It's a good move for the Jackets, but I believe if and only if Leclaire continues to have health issues. Not that I wish that upon him, but the CBJ also threw in a 2nd rounder, so that's the insurance policy that he might not regain form. Still, it should be an interesting next 20 or so games... :nod:
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Looks like Columbus also traded a 4th round pick to Calgary for a goalie named Lalande and immediately sent him to Syracuse. I bet we'll see LaCosta dressed for Blue Jackets games soon.


I've gotta agree with this. We picked up Dubie off waivers from the islander's and he's not great (putting it nicely) in the few games he did start he did horrible. However LaCosta (the primary goalie from syracuse) was a pleasant surprise in the handful of games he started while Mason was out sick.


I think Vermette is a great move. He might not be that natural, top line center or big name everyone wanted (spezza, Jokinen anyone?) but with that big name comes a big attitude to bring into a locker room that has really gelled well this year. Jokinen is a great center but rumor has it he's a locker room cancer and at this point in the year it would be horrible for out team. Its arguable that Calgary spent way too much on Jokinen but we'll see how that turns out for them in their playoff run.

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I think Vermette is a great move. He might not be that natural, top line center or big name everyone wanted


Actually, Vermette is a natural center. Ottawa moved him to wing a lot in his time there. As said earlier, he's VERY consistent in winning faceoffs and he's super quick. Go on youtube and check out his puck-handling, it's surprisingly tricky and complex yet smooth and precise. I'm unsure about how he'll work with Nash and Huselius but I think he'll end up being a safe, if not great addition to the team.


If the spending-will were there in Howson, I still would have loved Antropov. :(

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Peace out, Leclaire.


As said, Vermette has great speed, but he's had a poor team this year, so it's been difficult to see any chemistry that he can produce. I really want to see Nik Antropov centering for Juice and Nash. He'll go somewhere, but I have doubts that Howson can pick him up.


Antropov would've been great but rumors were going around that Brian Burke either wanted too much or Howson wasnt willing to give up anything (hence our young prospects). The key thing to remember in aquiring Vermette (and not Antropov) is that we didnt give up the future in order to make a playoff run this year. We didnt give up any of our core YOUNG guys (Read: Brassard, Voracek, Mayorov, Filatov, Mason etc...) that are going to turn out to be future stars just to get something done this year. Plus we didnt give up anyone currently playing for us, we didnt give up anyone who is helping us win games NOW or anyone who will help us win games in the future.


I think it was a good move for Vermette, of course there will be better centers out there but in our position we came out good. Not to mention we unloaded LeClaire's bloated salary and gave ourselves some cap room.

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Actually, Vermette is a natural center. Ottawa moved him to wing a lot in his time there. As said earlier, he's VERY consistent in winning faceoffs and he's super quick. Go on youtube and check out his puck-handling, it's surprisingly tricky and complex yet smooth and precise. I'm unsure about how he'll work with Nash and Huselius but I think he'll end up being a safe, if not great addition to the team.


If the spending-will were there in Howson, I still would have loved Antropov. :(


Really?! I looked him up on NHL.com and it said he was a center but everyone knows positions can change. Thats good though we needed a center.

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lines for tonight.


Huselieus - Malhotra - Nash

Umberger - Vermette - Modin

Torres - Williams - Voracek

Murray - Gratton - Dorsett


Hejda - Commodore

Tyutin - Methot

Russell - Rome






Vermette didn't play. Tonight's game was upsetting. They're sitting in such a fragile position to just let this blow over.

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Vermette didn't play. Tonight's game was upsetting. They're sitting in such a fragile position to just let this blow over.


Rumor was he got held up in custom's and had a plane delay in Chicago aswell. Should practice with the team tomorow and make his debut in cbus saturday night.

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They better be careful, they're only 3 points out of 11th and if they keep loosing those 4point games...Well you know that's no good. I just don't want to hear "Next Year" again. They have a pretty tuff end to the regular season. Detroit, Boston, Pittsburgh (Goanna be a GREAT game) Chicago then back to some conference play. Now maybe Detroit and Boston won't play too hard becasue they pretty much have everything locked...But there are a lot of teams that will be fighting for every point. I just hope the trades work out well for the jackets!
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This team hasnt learned how to finish games off yet. Up 2-1 in the 2nd and they got soft.


I wouldn't really contribute that whole loss to the team. Pekka Rinne just played amazing last night, that's why he's in the race for the Calder as well as Mason.


They had a lot of energy last night and some really good chances, Rinne just making some great saves.

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