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I saw it last night on the IMAX screen.


Good film, not great. WWWAAAYYYYYYYYY too much male nudity, both front and rear. Excluding porn, I've never seen so much cock in one film.


John had several scenes wearing his black banana hammock, and should have worn that the whole movie.


Otherwise, it was a bit unbelievable in parts, but it was a superhero movie after all, so I guess that can be expected. Parts could have been shortened too.


I had no knowledge of this movie (not even previews), other than the quick background my buddy gave me and my wife prior to the movie coming on, which was pretty much explained in the opening credits.

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Never read the book, knew none of the story going into the movie, and never felt lost.


More superheroes need to be Rorschach.


Same here. Just saw it and I think it was a great movie. I don't see why someone HAS to read it to enjoy the movie.


As for Rorschach, he's freakin' badass. I thought he was just a conspiracy theory nut. I was surprised by how much ass he kicked.

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