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More mysterious sonic booms


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Since the last thread concerning this, sonic boom reports have continued along with an increase of ufo reports, not only in the US, but around the world. California had some of the most recent ones heading north along the coast. Many of these aren't your 'normal' ufo sightings. But multitudes around the world are even seeing next to the same things and up close! Is this in relation at all to the huge release of UFO related documents from governments around the world? Who knows. I just love speculating on crazy shit like this. :)


This is a more recent account from Pennsylvania, where UFO reports have grown from June through December of 2008 from 45 to 225. Many were similar low flying triangular objects. This is very similar to the sightings that occurred last June and July over Doylestown. This does not include the reports since the beginning of 2009 where reports have remained steady or even increased further. Pennsylvania has experienced an incredible increase in activity. I'm not saying the booms and the ufo activity are related, but I do believe it's quite the coincidence. Why Pennsylvania? Why not? You've got the Applachians there with thousand of acres of unpopulated and hard to reach areas. Areas that haven't seen a man in generations.


Below is some reading on a couple incidences. No time or I'd post links to many, many more examples/accounts in the last couple months. Take from it what you will.


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Appalachian sonic booms aren't that uncommon... test pilots and jockeys in training like to buzz through the passes as they work bugs out or get familiar with new wings. Could just be the F-35 going through its paces.
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Someone must have told the UFO's where I live because I'm outside nearly every clear night and don't see much I can't ID. Likely a good percentage of the increased sitings are more copycat type situations due to increased media attention.
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How can we take pictures of lightning but no one can get a ufo in focus?




Not to shit on your parade, but lightning photography is pretty easy. Just take a real long exposure and hope that it strikes during the exposure (on my camera, up to 30 seconds). The lighting is bright enough to come up even with really tight aperture settings.


btw, those are some awesome photos you linked to

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Don't believe the hype. It's been proven that foil hats actually increase radio waves like an antenna. I know is sure worked for our old tv growing up. :D



Also, for many of these reports, things such as thunder and flying jets have been ruled out through various means.

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That uses a pulse engine. It would sound like a series of smaller booms.




Is this documented? Because I heard something exactly like that about 30 minutes ago.

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