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Torrent Downloader??

Dr. Apex

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yea if it was ever updated at all lol the version out is from early 08 i think, used to use it all the time then switched to utorrent for easy, lightweight and fast


Meh it works for me. I don't download torrents unless I have no other option. 1 small window is all I need.

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demonoid is good if you can get an invite


I've stopped using IsoHunt, now. Yesterday or the day before, I went to IsoHunt and something "malicious" tried to happen. I don't recall what it was and it wasn't the first time I've had that problem there lately.


As for others I use.









(Have to sign up, but don't need invite. Not sure if they're taking people or not, right now.



(Very helpful at proving multiple trackers. Scans for torrents on many torrent sites including mininova. Note: Of course, you have to understand how to add them and what they are so you even recognize them when they provide them to you. Sorry, having a hard time explaining it quickly.)



(Must have invite. Predominantly a contact sports site, mostly mma and the like. Very good community. Quite often, I dl UFC ppv's in the time it takes to shower. If you are responsible torrent user, ie; you share the way you're supposed to - at least 1:1, I do have invites for this site.)


There are a few other decent ones out there. I find I rarely need them, though. There is another MMA type torrent site I'd love to get an invite to but I cannot recall the name of it offhand.

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