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Instead of teaching people to deal with life, we drug them in America.


let me guess, a couple of adjustments from you, and some talk on eating healthy and dealing with their problems and you can cure almost anyone, right?? clearly, you are delusional--we have meds for that--ironic, isn't it?

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So school us on how wrong he is. Seems like a fairly stout correlation. BTW. ya ever read the side effects of that crap? Why would we ever expect people to deal with life, just drug them it is easier!


Correlation is one of those fancy words that some people like to throw around when they're trying to seem impressive or smart. I wonder if those people are aware that one of the fundamental tenets in statistics is that CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION. That means that just because two things are correlated doesn't mean that one thing causes the other. Of course, if you're some whackjob with a modem and a keyboard, you don't much care about facts or being logical or adhering to science or any shit like that and instead are hellbent on delivering some skewed message that is really nothing more than nonsensical propoganda disguised as "facts."

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let me guess, a couple of adjustments from you, and some talk on eating healthy and dealing with their problems and you can cure almost anyone, right?? clearly, you are delusional--we have meds for that--ironic, isn't it?


I don't think that's what Rick was preaching. Not based on his first quote.


<snip> I am not saying there is no use for these meds. I think they are over used and are leading to bad things happening in some cases.
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These dangerous psychiatric medications drastically imbalance brain chemistry, causing teens (and adults) to feel distanced from reality, as if they are walking through a video game. In fact, this was exactly how the Columbine school shooters described their experience of carrying out the infamous shootings in Colorado.


For those of you who are actually interested in being educated, I wanted to point out just one of the major flaws in the article - and a good reason why you shouldn't put much stock into what's being written.


The author says, "This was exactly how the Columbine school shooters described their experience of carrying out the infamous shootings in Colorado." However, you might recall this fairly important fact: the Columbine shooters both committed suicide just after the shootings. Thus, we have no idea what the Columbine shooters were thinking or how they felt about their experiences because they blew their fucking faces off before we ever got a chance to ask them. Of course, the jackass author doesn't want you to know that and is banking on the fact that either you didn't know that or just forgot that it.

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Correlation is one of those fancy words that some people like to throw around when they're trying to seem impressive or smart. I wonder if those people are aware that one of the fundamental tenets in statistics is that CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION. That means that just because two things are correlated doesn't mean that one thing causes the other. Of course, if you're some whackjob with a modem and a keyboard, you don't much care about facts or being logical or adhering to science or any shit like that and instead are hellbent on delivering some skewed message that is really nothing more than nonsensical propoganda disguised as "facts."



Well I'm not going to correlate your dissection of the word "correlate" with the discontinued usage of said word in my everyday vernacular. Causation may or may not be implied.

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I'm disappointed in everyone for not mentioning prayer and inner faith as a source of self healing ;)




I prefer mental exercise and masturbation as a source of self-gratification.



The author says, "This was exactly how the Columbine school shooters described their experience of carrying out the infamous shootings in Colorado." However, you might recall this fairly important fact: the Columbine shooters both committed suicide just after the shootings. .


Maybe just poorly written ? The Columbine shooters discussed their plans in detail ante mortem, and may have left written plans, on a PC, or notebook. Maybe the author was trying to describe them, describing what it would be like ? I don't know, its that or he's just a fucking retard.

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The author says, "This was exactly how the Columbine school shooters described their experience of carrying out the infamous shootings in Colorado." However, you might recall this fairly important fact: the Columbine shooters both committed suicide just after the shootings. Thus, we have no idea what the Columbine shooters were thinking or how they felt about their experiences because they blew their fucking faces off before we ever got a chance to ask them.


I don't think the author is implying that they were able to write about the aftermath, I believe he's referencing the 2+ years worth writings in each of the shooters journals prior to the day of the attack.

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Quit trying to make up excuses for poor journalism. The author misleading the reader with respect to the Columbine shootings - and, the author is, in fact, misleading with respect to how it's written and what is implied - isn't the only thing botched in the article.


Listen, there are plenty of problems with pharmaceutical drugs of all kinds, both psychotropic and otherwise. However, quoting this retard as a source of support for such a stance is absurd.

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Correlation is one of those fancy words that some people like to throw around when they're trying to seem impressive or smart. I wonder if those people are aware that one of the fundamental tenets in statistics is that CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION. That means that just because two things are correlated doesn't mean that one thing causes the other. Of course, if you're some whackjob with a modem and a keyboard, you don't much care about facts or being logical or adhering to science or any shit like that and instead are hellbent on delivering some skewed message that is really nothing more than nonsensical propoganda disguised as "facts."


When ice cream sales increase, so does the crime rate.


Correlation: ice cream causes crime

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ok true story time. i had to find a new doctor for my Adderall cuz i'm ADD. so i told the doctor i've been taking it for a long time and i need it to concentrate so he decides he wants to be sure and makes me take a test and he tells me that i'm off the chart bipolar and wants to give me some different meds so i'm like ok, try them and i felt some weird shit to the point he was scaring me as far as the stuff going threw my head so after a week i told the doc and he wanted to try something else and i said fuck that give me what i know works or i'll find someone who will and thats what i ended up doing.


guy at work who i was my neighbor for a long time commited suicide by setting himself on fire. he was a completely normal sane guy. but when it happened the docs were trying new meds on him.

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guy at work who i was my neighbor for a long time commited suicide by setting himself on fire. he was a completely normal sane guy. but when it happened the docs were trying new meds on him.



So he wasn't a completely normal sane guy than ? He was seeking help for a problem correct ?

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So he wasn't a completely normal sane guy than ? He was seeking help for a problem correct ?


Not necessarily. I know people who have went to the doctor for headaches and ended up on anti-depressants.


It's all in the doctor. I have dealt with some who wouldn't give pain medicine if you were bleeding out your ears, and some that classify someone with headaches a depressant.


Just like EVERYTHING else in the world, it's all in who you deal with.

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Depression can cause headaches but yeah sometimes shit is over prescribed.


As for rob, Sometimes pills will fuck you up trust me I can go threw the list of ones I've tried. I'm getting ready to try Straterra for my add and see how well it works out.

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ok true story time. i had to find a new doctor for my Adderall cuz i'm ADD. so i told the doctor i've been taking it for a long time and i need it to concentrate so he decides he wants to be sure and makes me take a test and he tells me that i'm off the chart bipolar and wants to give me some different meds so i'm like ok, try them and i felt some weird shit to the point he was scaring me as far as the stuff going threw my head so after a week i told the doc and he wanted to try something else and i said fuck that give me what i know works or i'll find someone who will and thats what i ended up doing.


guy at work who i was my neighbor for a long time commited suicide by setting himself on fire. he was a completely normal sane guy. but when it happened the docs were trying new meds on him.


Wait. You're on Adderall? How 'bout slippin' ole Austin a few of those around exam time?

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Did they set themselves on fire ?


If they didn't, would it make it right?



We're fucked if the medical fields scientific method is:


get half ass info, check

prescribe drug, check

well the drug did not fix problem..... but didn't cause them to burn this mother down either, so I am okay with that.


Again I am not lumping the medical field into this category. I am just saying Rick's point isn't as far out in left field as it usually is.

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So he wasn't a completely normal sane guy than ? He was seeking help for a problem correct ?


what i ment by that was the entire time i grew up with him and all the times i saw him at work he seemed completely normal and happy. then they went and changed his medicine.

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We're fucked if the medical fields scientific method is:


get half ass info, check

prescribe drug, check

well the drug did not fix problem..... but didn't cause them to burn this mother down either, so I am okay with that.


the americans voted obama in, and they will get his health care plan---which will breed a much more 'half-assed' attitude from physicians, as well as cause anyone who has half a brain to avoid the profession altogether. you guys (the american public) wanted it, and you will get it--be prepared.

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My father was on some sort of psychiatric meds in the 90s for depression. Whatever it was, he seemed completely stone-cold in his time taking it versus beforehand. A short while later, he killed himself.


My brother went to his doctor in high school to discuss his problem with paying attention in school. The doctor sent him away with a trial program of anti-depressants instead. This SERIOUSLY fucked him over until college started and he stopped taking prescription meds all together. He was an entirely different person when taking those.


A couple years ago, I erroneously blamed my average grades in college on not being able to focus. I went to talk to my brother's former doctor about what he would suggest; he immediately questions me, prematurely "diagnosing" me with mild-adhd. He gives me Strattera. What an AWFUL experience. I was over-anxious about everything. I began having random panic attacks and other horrible side-effects. It seriously made me hate any activity I would partake in (I was not depressed, just stressed at anything I would need to complete). I told my doc of this, and all he could advise me to do is "give it time". Sixth months later: it got worse. I stopped seeing that moronic doctor and didn't even bother to ween-off of the Strattera. I just stopped. I don't know how else to discribe what happened after that, other then "life-changing". Sounds corny, yes, but I will never again take medication other then aspirin or if I'm terminally ill.


However, I am not against medication, nor am I against research for further advancement of them. I think there's a serious issue in the medical field, specifically in the psychiatric and family-doctor personnel. I am an optimist and am willing to bet that a majority of them are intelligent people, who actually care and dedicate their lives to their work. BUT, that still leaves a lot of doctors who neglect what their patients are saying and how they're behaving. The fact that a physician can still practice medicine, even after prescribing anti-depressants to someone concerned with focusing in class, is beyond me.


I think Dr. Rick is the same way, in that he sees the value of medicine, but acknowledges that there's a serious underlying problem with the dependence of medical help. It would be okay to have an annual checkup or ER-run if it's serious, but the amount of "problems" people have now-a-days that require medication is so astonishing. Hell, I get a cold maybe once every 1.5-2 years; a couple of cough drops and some tissues and it's gone in a few days at most. I can't count how many people I know and work with who are adults, yet go to see a doctor when all they have is a cold.

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My father was on some sort of psychiatric meds in the 90s for depression. Whatever it was, he seemed completely stone-cold in his time taking it versus beforehand. A short while later, he killed himself.


My brother went to his doctor in high school to discuss his problem with paying attention in school. The doctor sent him away with a trial program of anti-depressants instead. This SERIOUSLY fucked him over until college started and he stopped taking prescription meds all together. He was an entirely different person when taking those.


A couple years ago, I erroneously blamed my average grades in college on not being able to focus. I went to talk to my brother's former doctor about what he would suggest; he immediately questions me, prematurely "diagnosing" me with mild-adhd. He gives me Strattera. What an AWFUL experience. I was over-anxious about everything. I began having random panic attacks and other horrible side-effects. It seriously made me hate any activity I would partake in (I was not depressed, just stressed at anything I would need to complete). I told my doc of this, and all he could advise me to do is "give it time". Sixth months later: it got worse. I stopped seeing that moronic doctor and didn't even bother to ween-off of the Strattera. I just stopped. I don't know how else to discribe what happened after that, other then "life-changing". Sounds corny, yes, but I will never again take medication other then aspirin or if I'm terminally ill.


However, I am not against medication, nor am I against research for further advancement of them. I think there's a serious issue in the medical field, specifically in the psychiatric and family-doctor personnel. I am an optimist and am willing to bet that a majority of them are intelligent people, who actually care and dedicate their lives to their work. BUT, that still leaves a lot of doctors who neglect what their patients are saying and how they're behaving. The fact that a physician can still practice medicine, even after prescribing anti-depressants to someone concerned with focusing in class, is beyond me.


I think Dr. Rick is the same way, in that he sees the value of medicine, but acknowledges that there's a serious underlying problem with the dependence of medical help. It would be okay to have an annual checkup or ER-run if it's serious, but the amount of "problems" people have now-a-days that require medication is so astonishing. Hell, I get a cold maybe once every 1.5-2 years; a couple of cough drops and some tissues and it's gone in a few days at most. I can't count how many people I know and work with who are adults, yet go to see a doctor when all they have is a cold.


We should have a pill popping party sometime. See what anti-depressants tastes the best. :D


Yeah I hear you about feeling worse on them. I quit taking mine because it was a horriable feeling. Being clinically depressed was better then being on pills. Then I found a certain substance that made me feel "normal". Not high, not drunk, not buzzed... Normal. I sold all my pills for this and went about my life feeling happy for the first time. Best choice I ever made in my life (with the exception of getting married to my wife).


Now the only drug I am addicted to is caffeine. So many positive things can be done on it. As Steven Colbert said "...Ride the brown horse." Even my dreams are better on caffeine then they would ever be on pills and alcohol combined. Caffeine even got me off smoking tobacco. More people need to drink liquid crack and stop eating pills.

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