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need a roofer or general contractor - fast


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either/or. would need you to provide something to my lender with either a company letter head showing general contractor/roofer/etc OR something showing your licensed.


house im looking to buy had an inspection done 3 months ago, stating the roof had 3-5 years of life left.


windstorm last month took off some tiles, and now the appraiser is saying what she appraised it as is subject to the roof getting fixed.


so i need to get someone quickly (preferrably by tomorrow at the latest so i can get it to the bank monday) to come out and write me up an estimate to replace the missing tiles and also write up something saying once the tiles are replaced, the roof will have at least 2 years left (FHA requirement). i dont see why it would change, since there was already a few tiles missing, it just took a few more. g/fs dad seems to think it might be 2 bundles.


the bank is going to take the estimate (say its $200 for conversation sake), make me escrow that amount, you come fix roof, i pay you $200, then they'll release the escrow amount to me, so there would be no waiting for the payment....at least thats how it was explained to me


if i can get the house closed on by friday like we're shooting for, i'll have you back out next week (week of 3/22) to replace the missing shingles. the roof isnt steep, heres a pic from auditors website. the big piece missing (2'x3') is on the higher roof, just above that white pipe. then theres a few on the lower roof to the left...i dont recall seeing any on the garage roof, and maybe a few on the back sides. ill stop over today and check for sure


i wont be online for a bit today, so if you can call my cell, that'd be best







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