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Can't we all just get along


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In the end,

I really have no ill-will,hatred,dislike for anybody on the board. Yes, sometimes I want to talk shit,call ppl out, beat the shit outta somebody and I'm fine with ppl wanting/doing the same to me but in the end I wish everybody the best and hope nothing but good things for you guys. I'm glad we got such a good site like this to be apart of and meet ppl w/ similar interests. I'll be comming up to more meets/events and hope to meet a bunch of you guys on here besdes talking on here for the past few years. Just sucks living almost 2hrs from cbus and w/ work n such and then trying to roll up there.


And if ya still hate me after this thread thats all good too lol. can't win em all


Have a fun and safe weekend brotatoes



p.s. If anybody's like (wtf is this thread about, this guy is retarded). I just made this thread b/c I've been hanging out today and started thinking about the big picture rather then little things in life. Thus, this thread was created.


EDIT LOL, to be honest, I did take a couple vicodins that I got from the doctors b/c I ended up getting shingles thursday on my back and it was killing me. so I guess they're making me a bit happy and friendly so my bad

Edited by Rustlestiltskin
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Ironic that yesterday you said something along the lines of "I'll see you at dyno events, track days etc" and went on to call me a clown and other shit.


Take a bit of your own advice, it's the internet - serious business.

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like the new ride white

thanks man, always liked urs.

Ironic that yesterday you said something along the lines of "I'll see you at dyno events, track days etc" and went on to call me a clown and other shit.


Take a bit of your own advice, it's the internet - serious business.


I know that I called you a clown and manlet and that I was gonna "see" you at dyno events and stuff but after just chillin today and sittin back I just had to laugh at myself for acting like a retard and getting mad on the interwebs last nite. Sometimes I do get mad and take shit too serious on here b/c I've just always been short fused but I'll try to take things likely on here from now on guys.

So my bad for the hate towards you, hal, or nebody else on here. If you/nebody else still feel salty then Its my fault and you can talk to me at the future meets but I got nothing but love from now on to ppl on here. :cool:

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White, I can respect this thread, and kudos for where your heart/head is at.


However, are you fucking drunk and on E? Christ, I feel like I'm at some rave at an industrial warehouse and I'm cornered by some guy in the bathroom trying to tell me how great of friends we are and how the universe is just this really small place and how we're all just sexual creatures.



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White, I can respect this thread, and kudos for where your heart/head is at.


However, are you fucking drunk and on E? Christ, I feel like I'm at some rave at an industrial warehouse and I'm cornered by some guy in the bathroom trying to tell me how great of friends we are and how the universe is just this really small place and how we're all just sexual creatures.




LOL, to be honest, I did take a couple vicodins that I got from the doctors b/c I ended up getting shingles thursday on my back and it was killing me. so I guess they're making me a bit happy and friendly :D so my bad. I'll edit this in my post


p.s. SHINGLES= endless sharp pain :( first time i've ever had them and I'd never wish them upon somebody

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The gay is strong with this thread.


Someone's in need of a Snuggie:p




I actually typed that exact phrase last night. Then deleted it cause I figured everyone knew the thread was gay.


Now all I know is that Hal and I think alike and I am slightly disturbed.

Here's one for you too


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The gay is strong with this thread.


I actually typed that exact phrase last night. Then deleted it cause I figured everyone knew the thread was gay.


Now all I know is that Hal and I think alike and I am slightly disturbed.

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