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DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers


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DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers



We all wondered when it was going to start.


When the new administration would make their move against us as gun owners. Oh, everyone got upset about HR45--I'll bet I got over 100 e-mails warning me about this draconian gun registration bill that had been introduced in Congress.


I was really glad to see Tom Gresham, host of "Gun Talk Radio," an editor, writer, television host on "Self-Defense TV," and one of the foremost gun spokespersons, come out and tell everyone to stop worrying about legislation so absolutely over-the-top--it would never get out of committee.


Tom said save your energy for when we really need it--don't expend it trying to warn everyone in your e-mail list about legislation that would go nowhere.


Now, Tom just interviewed me, and Larry Haynie, owner of Georgia Arms (http://www.georgia-arms.com), on Gun Talk (http://www.guntalk.com)--and Tom agrees, now is the time to "...unleash the hounds..." by which he means start e-mailing and writing your senators and congressmen.


Now it has come clear...now we know what they intend to do.


It is an end-run around Congress. They don't need to try to ban guns--they don't need to fight a massive battle to attempt gun registration, or limit "assault" weapon sales.


Nope. All they have to do is limit the amount of ammunition available to the civilian market, and when bullets dry up, guns will be useless.


Think we jest?


Here are copies of two letters sent to Georgia Arms just Thursday evening--effectively cancelling a contract he had to purchase 30,000 pounds of expended military brass in .223, 7.62mm, and .50 caliber:



Dear Valued Customer:


Please take a moment to note important changes set forth by the Defense Logistics Agency:


Recently it has been determined that fired munitions of all calibers, shapes and sizes have been designated to be Demil code B. As a result and in conjunction with DLA's current Demil code B policy, this notice will serve as official notification which requires Scrap Venture (SV) to implement mutilation as a condition of sale for all sales of fired munitions effective immediately. This notice also requires SV to immediately cease delivery of any fired munitions that have been recently sold or on active term contracts, unless the material has been mutilated prior to sale or SV personnel can attest to the mutilation after delivery. A certificate of destruction is required in either case.


Thank you,


DOD Surplus

15051 N Kierland Blvd # 300

Scottsdale, AZ 85254




March 12, 2009


Larry Haynie

Georgia Arms

PO Box 238

Villa Rica, GA 30180


Re: Event 7084-6200:


Dear Larry Haynie,


Effective immediately DOD Surplus, LLC, will be implementing new requirements for mutilation of fired shell casings. The new DRMS requirement calls for DOD Surplus personnel to witness the mutilation of the property and sign the Certificate of Destruction. Mutilation of the property can be done at the DRMO, if permitted by the Government, or it may be mutilated at a site chosen by the buyer. Mutilation means that the property will be destroyed to the extent prevents its reuse or reconstruction. DOD Surplus personnel will determine when property has been sufficiently mutilated to meet the requirements of the Government.


If you do not agree with the new conditions of your spot sale, please sign the appropriate box provided below stating that you do not agree to the new terms and would like to cancel your purchase effective immediately. If you do agree to the new terms please sign in the appropriate box provided below to acknowledge your understanding and agreement with the new requirements relating to your purchase. Fax the signed document back to (480) 367-1450, emailed responses are not acceptable.


Please respond to this request no later than close of business Monday, March 16th, 2009.




Government Liquidation.




Got that? From now on, remanufacturers of military brass will not be able to buy surplus brass from DOD--actually from Government Liquidators, llc.--the corporation that sells surplus materials for the U.S. government. At least, not in any form recognizable as once-fired brass ammunition.


Now all brass ammunition will have to be shredded, and sold as scrap.


Georgia Arms, who brought this to our attention, is the 5th largest ammunition manufacturer of centerfire pistol and rifle ammunition in the U.S.


"We're right up there behind Hornady," Larry Haynie told me.


He also told me with the cancellation of his contract to purchase this brass, and the ending of his ability to purchase any more expended military ammunition, he will have to severely curtail his operation--laying off approximately half his 60-person work force.


Haynie further pointed out this move is a stupendous waste of taxpayer money--reducing the worth of the brass some 80%--from casings, to shredded bulk brass.


He stated most of this will now go to foundries where it will be melted down, cast in shippable forms, and likely be sold to China, one of the largest purchasers of U.S. metals on the open market.


Haynie was manufacturing over 1 million rounds of .223 ammunition every month, which he sold on the civilian market to resellers, and to law enforcement agencies across the country.


He will start tomorrow sending cancellations of orders for .223 to law enforcement agencies all over the country.


You can expect this to affect every bullet you purchase in the future--with no reloaded ammunition available, the already strained new manufacturers will be unable to meet demand. They are already turning out everything they can build for the military market. The civilian market is stressed to the point even reloading components have become hard to find.


Now, with this hit, ammunition prices will go through the roof in the next year.


Your quality piece, sitting in your gun rack, will become a very expensive wood and steel, or plastic and steel club.


What can you do?


Google "contact members of Congress" or simply type in http://www.congress.org.

When you reach that site, type in your zip code--it will give you all your representatives, senators, and their web pages.


Or you can find the addresses and e-mails of your own senators and congressmen by going to http://www.senate.gov and http://www.house.gov. Both pages have locator aids at the top of the page.




Here is a letter I just sent to Representative Bill Cassidy, Congressman from the 6th District of Louisiana, and Senator David Vitter of Louisiana. I will be sending it to every member of our congressional delegation. Feel free to copy it and paste in your own e-mail, sending it to your legislators.


We have to stop this now!



The Honorable Bill Cassidy

Member of Congress from Louisiana


Dear Congressman Cassidy:


It has come to my attention that the Department of Defense has issued a directive that all expended military brass (fired cases) will now be shredded and sold for scrap material, rather than resold by Government Liquidators LLC to the civilian market for remanufacture.


You may not be aware of it, but there is a severe shortage of ammunition available for sale to the public across the country, causing problems for shooters, hunters, and reloaders everywhere.


Now, apparently the Obama administration, realizing they cannot move against private firearms ownership since the landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Washington D.C./Heller case, has made their move in another way.


By cutting off the resale of expended military ammunition to remanufacturers, they have put a stranglehold on the nation's ammunition supply.


Further, they have reduced the return to the government on expended brass by 80%. What was sold for remanufacturer at a fair return to the government, will now cost the taxpayers untold sums of money as the cost of scrap brass is far below the price per pound for expended military ammunition.


In addition, the use of remanufactured ammunition is a huge asset to law enforcement agencies across the country who buy millions of rounds of reloaded ammunition a year from these manufacturers for practice rounds.


With this market gone, law enforcement will no longer be able to purchase inexpensive reloaded ammunition, and with the continuing combat status of military forces across the Middle East, original manufacturers of new ammunition are turning out everything they can make to the government, thus exacerbating the shortage of new ammunition in both the civilian and law enforcement market.


Lastly, in these harsh economic times, does it not strike you as cold and calculating that the Obama administration has no compunction against ruining an industry that employs thousands of American citizens in the remanufacturing of sporting and military ammunition. One major resupplier, Georgia Arms, the fifth largest manufacturer of centerfire pistol and rifle ammunition has informed me he will have to quickly lay off half his 60-person workforce, as he has had to cancel contracts with dozens of police agencies who had contracted with him to supply them with remanufactured .223 ammunition.


Georgia Arms has been practically put out of business by this directive that all expended military brass must be shredded. His current contracts have been canceled, and he is notifying his customers across the country he can no longer supply their ammunition needs.


Please look into this immediately. This move by the Obama administration is nothing but a back-door strike against firearms ownership in this country--if shooters can't buy ammunition, the guns are little better than steel clubs--and this is obviously the intent.


Thank you for your time and efforts in this serious attack against the Second Amendment rights of the American citizenry.




Gordon Hutchinson


Author "The Great New Orleans Gun Grab"


Firearms Columnist for Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Mississippi Sportsman magazines.

Source: The Shootist - DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers


with this happening, im not looking forward to the future.

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hmm... not really understanding this. Sounds like they are cutting off the supply of used military ammo? Didn't realize that stuff could be reformed.


Even if this happens, can't manufacturers still buy new or scrap brass to make bullets?


PS. All for gun rights - even though I will probably never own one.

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I hope this is bullshit


It sort of is. I've read that it's been taken waaaay out of context. Supposedly, they just require some sort of waiver now for these companys (like GA) to buy the brass, with the stipulation being that they can't export it.


Chill out. The brass isn't going anywhere.

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It sort of is. I've read that it's been taken waaaay out of context. Supposedly, they just require some sort of waiver now for these companys (like GA) to buy the brass, with the stipulation being that they can't export it.


Chill out. The brass isn't going anywhere.


I was waiting for you or Cinergi to respond. After my post it did not cross my mind again.

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hmm... not really understanding this. Sounds like they are cutting off the supply of used military ammo? Didn't realize that stuff could be reformed.


Even if this happens, can't manufacturers still buy new or scrap brass to make bullets?


PS. All for gun rights - even though I will probably never own one.


They're talking about the case, not the bullet. The brass shell usually is not damaged by firing, or is only slightly deformed, and can easily be pressed back into perfect shape, and a new primer, charge, and bullet pressed into it.


This cuts the cost drastically for people who choose to reload, as a case can be fired several times before it becomes unsafe to use again. There are a lot of companies that do this on a mass-production scale, and if this story is true as written, then costs of ammo will soar. I think it may be overblown, though, as things like this quickly get outed, and even a sneak move like that would be career suicide for a politician.

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you guys were right, its been reversed...

Dear MSSA Friends,


I just received a phone call from the office of U.S. Senator Tester of Montana to inform me that at 5:15 (EST) today a letter cosigned by Senator Tester (D-MT) and Senator Baucus (D-MT) was faxed to the Department of Defense asking DoD to reverse its new policy requiring destruction of fired military cartridge brass. At 5:30, I am told, Tester's office received a fax back from DoD saying that the brass destruction policy IS reversed.


Others report to me that they are already seeing evidence of this on the Websites of entities that liquidate surplus DoD commodities.


Our thanks go out to Senator Tester and Senator Baucus, and their staff, for getting on this problem promptly and making the reversal happen


Staff for Tester and Baucus promise they will get me the documentation for this reversal tomorrow morning. I'll forward that when I get it.


Best wishes,


Gary Marbut, president

Montana Shooting Sports Association


author, Gun Laws of Montana



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