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Way to go Jackets!


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Yes, one bright thing to celebrate tonight.


The call on Boll was abysmal! I seriously could not believe how he could be called for diving with a damn stick tangling up his legs.


I was fucking shocked when they called him for unsportsmanlike. How can you take that as a dive when the guy has his stick not only between your legs but he didnt let go either, he kept jerking until Boll fell. What an obvious trip. 'nice guy' hockey etiquette is to simply let go of your stick and let it fall to the ice when your tangled like that, obviously playoff hockey isnt 'nice'.

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If Mason gets hot in the playoffs, look out Western Conference. The Jackets (for once) have depth and can roll 4 effective lines. Hopefully Chimera and Modin get healthy for the playoffs. :)


I have one more game I'm going to this year, the April 5th game against Chicago... :cool:

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I want to see that one too! I would also like to attend the season finale against the Wild on April 11th.


With tickets starting to be harder to get, I jumped on 4 upper level tickets for $20 each a few weeks ago... :)

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If Mason gets hot in the playoffs, look out Western Conference. The Jackets (for once) have depth and can roll 4 effective lines. Hopefully Chimera and Modin get healthy for the playoffs. :)


I have one more game I'm going to this year, the April 5th game against Chicago... :cool:


and backman, id like to see tollfeson(sp?) healthy even though he doesnt matter that much.


Our D needs to be on their A game all post season.

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Modin get healthy for the playoffs. :)


Maybe just for depth or 4th line, he just can't produce much anymore.


and backman, id like to see tollfeson(sp?) healthy even though he doesnt matter that much.


...I'd rather have OKT before Backman anyday. I really wish we could just cut Backman lose or get rid of him in a trade, he make way too much money to be as bad as he is.

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