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Battlestar - Finale

Dr. Apex

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It's on my DVR I haven't seen the last 4 episodes, all are going to be watched Sunday. I knew I would kick myself if I watched them each Fri so I have been very patient. I'm not looking at this thread anymore because I don't want to see spoilers.
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I still need to catch the last 2 episodes tomorrow (sober) but have seen every one from the start. They need to embrace this formula of having a finite ending to a series, without drawing it out and needlessly convoluting the plot.
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It was one of the better finales I have seen. I did a great job of adding enough action in it and still managed to answer most of the questions.


I am happy with it. Sad to see the show go though. Its one of the few I followed religiously.

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The natural end point was when they go from Adama sitting by Laura's grave to the horizon. The rest was GREAT, I loved the striped Centurion giving hand signals and slicing the corridor, that was funny as hell. And when Galactica jumped back from the colony and whipped.....Jebus, that was incredible.
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The natural end point was when they go from Adama sitting by Laura's grave to the horizon. The rest was GREAT, I loved the striped Centurion giving hand signals and slicing the corridor, that was funny as hell. And when Galactica jumped back from the colony and whipped.....Jebus, that was incredible.


Probably should have warned about spoilers. :p


Yes, the effects of the last jump were spectacular. On a side note, there seems to be lots of bitching and moaning over at Rotten Tomatoes about the finale. It seems the whole "God did it" resolution to many things has left some viewers pissy. ( http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/showthread.php?t=674907 ) I personally didn't get upset about much of the resolution and answers to everything, but wouldn't have minded seeing more of a reaction from the people when the "let's just give up all of our technology and live off the land".

Edited by Aesthetic_Influx
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Tell you what, the DVD is gonna be interesting, because I feel confident saying there is going to be an alternate ending...They showed enough unused scenes in teasers and in the Last Frakkin Special to tell me they filmed almost an entire alternate episode. One of the scenes in question couldn't fit into the show anywhere beyond that, and completely contradicts events in the actual episode. Another points to a totally different resolution between human and Cylon.
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People are morons(referring to rotten tomatos), the show has from the beginning a strong religious basis......refer to "This has all happened before, this will all happen again", the differences of humans believing in multiple gods and cylons in 1 god.


Can't wait for it on DVD!!

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Watched it from day one, but it's become a little tedious to watch. Liked the last episode, as it was originalish, but sort of glad it's over except I'll mss Edward James Olmos as Adama, by far the best character. Now onto Stargate Universe! :D



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Does anyone else feel like they left some things, just, unanswered? Like Starbuck, wtf? she just dissappeared?! and Baltar is apparently a cylon though the whole series they convinced us he wasnt? And what about Earth? Wasnt it the producers who first said they wont make it into a situation where they were here originally (if that makes sense)?


I think my expectations were pretty damn high and they met most of them but some small stuff that bothers me. Of course there will be some sort of movie or add on show or something in the future. SciFi wont just let an enormous series like that die.


God i sound like such a fucking dork.

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Starbuck was dead, obviously an inferred "angel" that came to guide them to earth. Baltar wasn't a Cylon, not sure where you figure that as at the end I guess you could call that his ego walking around or something, hell I dunno.
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Starbuck was dead, obviously an inferred "angel" that came to guide them to earth. Baltar wasn't a Cylon, not sure where you figure that as at the end I guess you could call that his ego walking around or something, hell I dunno.


I assumed he was b/c at the very end, when he and Caprica Six and walking around present day earth he seem's very real and they gave no indication that he was a "ghost" or something. Not to mention, during the whole series he was having visions of Caprica Six and in the last episode the audience realize's she was having vision's of him. (You know the moment when they both looked at each other and said "you can see them?")

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Awesome Awesome show! Great final episode, just the whoe Starbuck thing has me confussed.


1. Her ship is shot down in some Nebula

2. Her body is on Earth

3. She comes back as an Angel



They never explained the transition from 1 to 2. Other than that, I loved it.

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