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Parents afraid to raise their precious snowflakes.

Science Abuse

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Better know how to defend ourselfs in the future. The next generations are just going to push a button to fight. If that button fails, there is no "Plan B". I know it's the extream to what was posted.


Grand Torreno evolved.

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Better know how to defend ourselfs in the future. The next generations are just going to push a button to fight. If that button fails, there is no "Plan B". I know it's the extream to what was posted.


Grand Torreno evolved.

Future generations will be too aware of their own wants and feelings to ever organize anything signifigant. They'll be our bitches until we die, then they'll be completely lost.

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Getting Savannah dressed in the morning had long been a battle. "I tried all the mainstream parenting guru advice, but nothing worked," she says.



I wonder if they've tried beating her? I hear that usually works.




BTW, I'm never having kids. This world is going to hell in a handbasket, and I refuse to subject any offspring of mine to such bullshit.

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I'll live consensually when they pay half the bills. Until then, like the dog and the wife, I own them. I tell my wife all the time I have it on video tape her dad giving her to me.


Wow. I don't own my wife and never want to. She isn't a possession she is my partner.


Back to the article I would never do this to my kids. You will be equal when you pay rent. Until then deal with what your parents tell you to do. If not I will beat your ass just like my parents did.

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Well lets see, my wife hasnt had to work in 10 years and at one time had 3 cars of her own to choose from. Let alone being able to buy anything she wants. I really dont think I own my wife. Maybe the other way around.;)


Yes this is normal. Good job!

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So, Ms. Leavey began to practise consensual living, a set of principles designed to help family members understand each other's feelings and meet one another's needs.


i stopped reading after this part. notice where this was : Vancouver, nuff said
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I'm sorry but I am the FATHER. My children do what I say. Is it always easy? Hell no. But you have to put your foot down either way. My 2 yr. old LOVED his Batman costume from halloween. He threw a fit come time to take it off. But seeings how I am the parent and not the other way around, he now knows he can play around the house with it, but when it's time to go, off it is. My parents whooped my ass, it's only fair to do the same ;). I love my children to death and I will do everything in my power to keep them from being spoiled little brats. I hope they will become great adults with much respect for others.
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The "movement" was founded in North Carolina. Read more. ;)


nahhhh, i read enough to piss me off. north cackalacki is even better. i think this was started years ago, they just didn't have a name for it. look at the kids with their stupid hats and sunglasses. and oh yea, cut your hair. these kids never got a proper beating.

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Her days became more relaxed when she focused more on Kahlan's needs, she says. If she had a doctor's appointment but her daughter was feeling grumpy, for example, Ms. Hollett would not force Kahlan to wait with her to see the doctor. Instead, Ms. Hollett might cancel the appointment or arrange alternative child care, she says.


And THOSE days will end when her daughter becomes a spoiled teenager who gets knocked up at 14.

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And THOSE days will end when her daughter becomes a spoiled teenager who gets knocked up at 14.


Incorrect, those days will NOT end. Ever, the mom will then feel like she did something wrong raising her kid (this is true) and she will kissher ass even more til the kid ends up being raised by the parents and the cycle continues....

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