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Parents afraid to raise their precious snowflakes.

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My buddy draws a circle on the wall a little higher then eye level for the kid. Then makes them touch their nose to the center of the circle, ie, they have to stand on their tip toes to do it. And they have to stay there until he says so or about 5 minutes. If they put their heels on the ground the "timer" starts over. Fucking awesome.
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Famous last words lol. I said the same fucking thing, and i've got 2 on the way now. Shit happens. :D


Famous last vasectomy will be coming ASAP. I fucking hate kids, no lie.

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Famous last vasectomy will be coming ASAP. I fucking hate kids, no lie.


You sir are a wise man. i need to look into that shit.


As far as child disipline goes, there is nothing at all wrong with busting a kids ass if they get out of line. I'm not talking a beat down or anything punching related as thats a bit much, but time outs and talking only go so far, at least i believe so. Kids need to go back to understanding that when they mess up or act like a douche there are consequences, and if they mess up real bad, their ass will be sore.


We really need to try and turn that candy ass spoiled shit around, or as mentioned, this country is truely fucked. well, if it makes it that long lol.

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As far as child disipline goes, there is nothing at all wrong with busting a kids ass if they get out of line. I'm not talking a beat down or anything punching related as thats a bit much, but time outs and talking only go so far, at least i believe so. Kids need to go back to understanding that when they mess up or act like a douche there are consequences, and if they mess up real bad, their ass will be sore.


Do it right and you won't have to do it often, either. My boy actually gets spanked about once every week or two (usually for stuff he does at daycare, thinking he wont get caught). He gets threatend with spankin's constantly. I give him a count to three, and by two he's doing what he's told.

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I remember the worst thing on the planet as a kid was hearing, "Just wait untill your dad gets home."


Mine was similar.. my brother and I KNEW better from the start.. so even if we heard "you dont want me telling your father about this" we knew we were already fucked if it got 1 step further.


We pushed the limits a few times and boy was in PAINFUL. I hated my parents sometimes but now I 100% completely love the way I was raised.


If I ever decide to have little tax deductions Ill raise them the same way too.


Ive had to go to a few calls in the past where "mom says her kids arent listening to her and would like you to say something to the children". I ENJOY going to those calls. They usually start with one of the kids saying "mom cant touch me" and ENDS with me saying "Ill stand here and watch her smack you if she thinks its good for you". Kids face = :eek:


I need a start a Daddy 911 show or something lol. I can be the guy that comes in and makes kids to clean up their acts :D

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My son turns 2 next week and it seems more and more every week he starts throwing tantrums. He's starting to learn that shit doesn't work when daddy's around.


When I was growing up I was a good kid b/c I knew if I fucked up, I'd get an ass beating I'd never forgot. I hope my son turns out the same way.


Ive had to go to a few calls in the past where "mom says her kids arent listening to her and would like you to say something to the children". I ENJOY going to those calls. They usually start with one of the kids saying "mom cant touch me" and ENDS with me saying "Ill stand here and watch her smack you if she thinks its good for you". Kids face = :eek:


My nephew used to say the same things when I was watching him or even when his mom was around. I'd still beat his ass. I wish I knew I could call you so you could watch. lol

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When I was growing up I was a good kid b/c I knew if I fucked up, I'd get an ass beating I'd never forgot.


+1. I knew I fucked up when I heard my mom's famous words "wait until we get home, imma fuck u up" lol

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What happened to the good old days when parents used to beat their kids?


Those days have gone the way of the solid, reliable work ethic and the notion that you get what you earn, no more, no less.


The current generation of people (gross generalization, I know) entering the workplace have no loyalty to anyone nor any company. I've heard stories around my workplace of managers getting called by their employees' parents calling and giving them hell over a disciplinary or performance management documentation on their "little boy" or "little girl" and it just pisses me off.


My son is 9, and every time he starts getting mouthy, or takes an attitude, I remind him that I am his Father, I am bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter than he is, and that makes me the boss. My son is a good kid, and we frequently hear comments from acquaintences, friends, and family about how well behaved and mature our kids are.

The thing that gets me is most of the time those comments will come from people whose own kids run their house. They say things like "I wish my kids would listen like that." or "Wow! Your kids are so well behaved, how did you do that?" I have yet to be straight up and tell them that if they would quit being lazy where their kids are concerned, and start being parents, their kids would learn to listen too. I get closer every day though.

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