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Woman used rented gun in murder-suicide


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Better watch your back next time you are at the range...



Police: Woman used rented gun in murder-suicide; actions appeared 'deliberate'


Casselberry Police said Monday morning they still have no idea why an Altamonte Springs woman shot her son Sunday afternoon and then turned the gun on herself while the two were target practicing.


Evidence indicated Marie Moore, 44, intentionally shot her 20-year-old son, Mitchell, also of Altamonte Springs, police said. Why she did it, however, remains a mystery.


In a report just released, Casselberry officer Jeffrey Shumway said the two were sharing a firing lane at the Shoot Straight range on U.S. Highway 17-92, taking turns shooting and talking to people in an adjacent lane. "They seem to be getting along fine," he wrote in the report.


"At one point in the video you can see Mitchell Moore firing his pistol down range," Shumway wrote. "Marie Moore walked up behind Mitchell Moore and pointed a revolver at the back of his head and fired a single shot. The act appeared to be deliberate.


"Mitchell Moore immediately went down from the shot," Shumway wrote. "Marie Moore then placed the pistol in her mouth and fired a single shot."


Investigator has not found any notes written by the woman that would indicate why she did it, Casselberry deputy police Chief William McNeil said.


The murder weapon was a gun rented from the shooting range, McNeil said. "We have found nothing to indicate they had [owned] any weapons," he said. The police report indicated they bought a membership there Sunday.


While family members indicated Marie Moore had a history of mental illness, McNeil said investigators still don't know any details about that.


There are restrictions about gun ownership in some cases of mental incompetence, but that would not stop a person from renting a gun at a shooting range, McNeil said.


Mitchell Moore died at the scene and his mother died a short time later at Florida Hospital Altamonte.

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Guest fist302

Wow thats incredibly fucked up. What kind of shit was going on in that lady's head to do something like that. The scariest part to me is that they said she was getting along with everyone fine, chatting with people, meanwhile shes sitting there waiting for the right moment to blast her son in the head!





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Shit was crazy! What a fucked up ass bitch. Wonder what the dude next to them fucking was thinking when he saw that. Probably looked down, saw the kid, looked back saw the lady pop himself and now hes got fuckin mental problems. Some people man... seriously..
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Shit was crazy! What a fucked up ass bitch. Wonder what the dude next to them fucking was thinking when he saw that. Probably looked down, saw the kid, looked back saw the lady pop himself and now hes got fuckin mental problems. Some people man... seriously..


Yea that dudes going to have PTSD for life

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Even before reading the article, I was predicting that the woman was psychiatrically ill. The article notes that she has a history of mental illness, though the specifics of it aren't yet clear. My guess is that she was suffering from some kind of delusional disorder in which she was convinced that she had to take her son's life for some reason (e.g., to protect him from eternal damnation - kind of in the same way that Andrea Yates thought when she drowned all five of her children). Auditory command hallucinations may have been involved as well. Of course, in trying to figure out what really happened, I've got a ton of questions:


-What's the extent of her history of psychiatric illness, and what exactly does that history include? If my hunch is correct, then she likely has a history of severe psychiatric illness punctuated by psychotic symptomatology (e.g., delusions, hallucinations) that has required emergency treatment (e.g., involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations).


-If she has a psychiatric history, then was she compliant with medication at the time? If she does have a psychiatric history, and psychosis did have something to do with this, then I'd bet she wasn't compliant with her medications.


-How often do they go to shooting range - was this something they did often, or was this the first time? That she had to rent a gun makes me think this wasn't something they did often (or she had a gun of her own that was taken away because of her psychiatric illness). Where I'm going with all of this is aforethought: did she use the firing range outing as a convenient context in which to murder him and then herself? After all, she had to know that she would have virtually unrestricted access to both a firearm and him in a vulnerable position (i.e., looking down the range away from her) at a firing range.


This case, to me, while certainly tragic, is absolutely fascinating from a forensics perspective. It's been a while since I consulted the research, but, if my memory serves me correctly, instances in which a mother murders her own (i.e., biological) children is exceptionally rare, and those cases typically involve psychiatric disturbance.

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Even before reading the article, I was predicting that the woman was psychiatrically ill. The article notes that she has a history of mental illness, though the specifics of it aren't yet clear. My guess is that she was suffering from some kind of delusional disorder in which she was convinced that she had to take her son's life for some reason (e.g., to protect him from eternal damnation - kind of in the same way that Andrea Yates thought when she drowned all five of her children). Auditory command hallucinations may have been involved as well. Of course, in trying to figure out what really happened, I've got a ton of questions:


-What's the extent of her history of psychiatric illness, and what exactly does that history include? If my hunch is correct, then she likely has a history of severe psychiatric illness punctuated by psychotic symptomatology (e.g., delusions, hallucinations) that has required emergency treatment (e.g., involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations).


-If she has a psychiatric history, then was she compliant with medication at the time? If she does have a psychiatric history, and psychosis did have something to do with this, then I'd bet she wasn't compliant with her medications.


-How often do they go to shooting range - was this something they did often, or was this the first time? That she had to rent a gun makes me think this wasn't something they did often (or she had a gun of her own that was taken away because of her psychiatric illness). Where I'm going with all of this is aforethought: did she use the firing range outing as a convenient context in which to murder him and then herself? After all, she had to know that she would have virtually unrestricted access to both a firearm and him in a vulnerable position (i.e., looking down the range away from her) at a firing range.


This case, to me, while certainly tragic, is absolutely fascinating from a forensics perspective. It's been a while since I consulted the research, but, if my memory serves me correctly, instances in which a mother murders her own (i.e., biological) children is exceptionally rare, and those cases typically involve psychiatric disturbance.


seems like a long way to say that chick is nuts

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This is the chilling moment a deranged mother held a revolver to her unsuspecting son's head at a shooting range and pulled the trigger, killing him before turning the gun on herself.

Marie Moore, who thought she was the Anti-Christ, took her 20-year-old son Mitchell to the Shoot Straight range in Casselberry, Florida, for what he thought was an afternoon's firing practice.

But as he concentrated on the target in front of him, his 44-year-old mother picked up a gun, pointed it at the back of his head and murdered him at point-blank range.

Mitchell slumped to the floor dead as his mother stepped back, placed the gun in her mouth and again pulled the trigger. She died a short time later in hospital.

'I'm so sorry. I had to send my son to heaven and myself to Hell,' she wrote in a suicide note.

In rambling and tearful audio messages recorded before the incident she said she planned her son's slaughter to save the world from violence.

She said she heard God telling her: 'You have a gun. You can do it.'

'I have to die and go to hell so there can be a thousand years peace on earth,' she explained in the two tapes.

'God's turned me into the Anti-Christ... I'm a good person, but the Devil and God turned me into the worst person in the world. I'm so ashamed. And I'm so afraid. And I'll pay forever and ever.'

She adds: 'I'm sorry to leave you like this. It's a horrifying thing to do.'

The entire horrifying scene was captured on a security camera.


'I look and I see this kid collapsing, spitting up blood,' said eyewitness Bobby Davidowitz.

Casselberry police Lt. Dennis Stewart said there had been no warning that Moore was about to execute her own son.


'Nobody knows why,' he said. 'There was no argument or anything before.'

Police reports revealed that Moore had a history of mental illness. In her audio tapes, she talked of having spent long stints in psychiatric hospitals, and of the mental 'misery and torment' she suffered amid hallucinations that had her convinced at times that she was being buried alive, eaten by ants, burned at the stake and gassed.

She had apparently been barred from Shoot Straight seven years ago after trying to commit suicide there, her ex-husband - Mitchell's father - told police.

An attorney for the firing range has claimed allegation is not true, one report said. But the claim, in addition to her history of mental illness, immediately raised questions as to how she had been able to rent a gun there.

Moore also had two convictions for driving under the influence, which should have disqualified her from handling weapons.

Eyewitnesses to the murder incident said she had been acting 'hyper' and that she and her son appeared 'anxious with each other', with Moore pacing up and down and hovering nervously beside him minutes beforehand.


But she was also seen to be laughing at one point and swapping small-talk with a marksman in the lane next to theirs.

Today Mitchel's friends left shocked messages on his MySpace page, painting a picture of a happy young man who seemed just about to come into his own as an adult.


http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/04/08/article-1168424-045BD468000005DC-830_233x398.jpg Ashley Morales, Mitchel's girlfriend, who wrote him a heartbreaking letter that she posted on MySpace


His anguished girlfriend, Ashley Morales, wrote him a heartbreaking letter that she posted on the page.


'mitchel baby why did she have to take you?' she wrote. 'she wanted me to go with you but u were my savior. i feel like this world needs to come to an end...

'i dont know what to do with myself, im going crazy, i havnt eatin in 3 days i cant sleep... i know your my guardian angel, and i know u can listen to me cuz i cant stop talking to you... i feel so sick mitchel help me please help me..'

Ashley wrote of her fear at living without Mitchel. 'I cant breathe, you were my oxygen.,' she said. 'its like this is all a bad dream that isnt waking me up. im trying to be so strong mitchel its so hard, but i know that u would want me to be happy and not sick.'

'i cant stop thinking about the good times that we had,' she wrote. 'u ARE such a GREAT person. you ARE the best thing that has ever happened to me. and i know u use to always say i was the best thing that has ever happened to you.'


Ashley also revealed that the couple were trying to have a baby together: 'u wanted a baby boy so bad, we were trying so hard.. the day before u were gone i remember us talking about getting married and u said u wanted our honey moon in hawaii.'

Mrs Moore was divorced but had a boyfriend who she addressed in notes and on tape as 'King', signing herself off as 'Failed Queen' and telling him: 'I'm sorry. I love you forever and ever.'

'The devil got to me, he destroyed me. He made me destroy all of us,' she wept on tape.

She added: 'I will pay forever and ever for what I've done and I just hope you can forgive me. When you get to heaven, tell my son how much I love him.'

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