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dislocate jaw?


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I'm not sure what I did I woke up and my left side jaw hurt when i bit down. It almost feels like it shoots up to my ear pain wise. I have no clue whats going on but I did not want to goto ER or something if I just slept on it wrong or something.




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I have a moderate case of it myself. I either grind my teeth or hold my jaw funny while I sleep. Some mornings it feels like I got punched in the jaw and the whole side of my face is kind of sore for a while.


A Dentist can check for this.

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I have a moderate case of it myself. I either grind my teeth or hold my jaw funny while I sleep. Some mornings it feels like I got punched in the jaw and the whole side of my face is kind of sore for a while.


A Dentist can check for this.



If it still hurts tommorow I'm going to doc. I'm torn between tmj or earinfection. It hurts like a sob when i bite down though.

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I had this about 3-4 years ago, I would wake up and my jaw would be completely dislocated on one side. It scarred the shit out of me more than hurt, It eventually started hurting when I would wake up. I went to all kinds of doctors and they told me I had arthritis (spelling..?) in my jaw and around the joints or w/e connect my jaw by my ear.


I did nothing for it and a month or so later it stopped happening, It hasnt happend since then. It was really weird.

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I have never in my life seen any one person with more health issues as you seem to have. Did you get donkey punched last night?


My parents should have never ever ever breed. I know this. My health = fail. My wife said she thinks its TMJ because she said sometimes I grit my teeth.

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