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Just looking to get opinions on TVs. My current TV (27" Sony Trinitron from 1999) is getting worn, starting to show some lines until it gets warm and I think its time for an upgrade. Honestly picture quality isn't as much of a concern for me anymore as this TV looks good, and I can't tell much difference between one HD TV and another. Since I can't fit anything bigger then a 32" in my entertainment center, and don't want to spend a lot, what's a really good bang for the buck TV?


Looking on Bestbuy.com, some shit I've never heard of, is this any good?


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Honestly any HDTV is going to be a huge improvement over your old TV. I'd definitely go the LCD route. If you're looking for the sub 500 range. . also try wal-mart. . I think their line of Vizio's are a little more sleek than the Insignia brand Best Buy carries. But yeah, any 32" lcd hdtv you will love. Just be sure to upgrade your cable to HD to really take full advantage of it.
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Honestly any HDTV is going to be a huge improvement over your old TV. I'd definitely go the LCD route. If you're looking for the sub 500 range. . also try wal-mart. . I think their line of Vizio's are a little more sleek than the Insignia brand Best Buy carries. But yeah, any 32" lcd hdtv you will love. Just be sure to upgrade your cable to HD to really take full advantage of it.



My first lcd was a samsung from circuit city. The next one I got was a 46in. sony lcd which I love. Before all of this I only had a 19in. goldstar and a 27in. panasonic. both old school tvs. You'll love every minute of it when you get a lcd trust me esp when you spring for a blue ray and some hd cables. shows/movies are soo lifelike you can just grab them off the screen.

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I got a 56" Samsung rear projection (about 8" thick).... its 1080p and I paid about $1500 for it. Great Picture, don't know if you are absolutely set on a flat screen or anything. But its great picture and size for a cheaper price.
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You really only have 2 choices if you are not gay.


1. Panasonic Plasma

2. Pioneer Plasma


Everything else is fail sauce.


agreeing on the pioneer plasma, they are amazing. sony usually makes pretty good shit to that you should be able to get for a decent price.

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You really only have 2 choices if you are not gay.


1. Panasonic Plasma

2. Pioneer Plasma


Everything else is fail sauce.


Don't plasmas have the ability to burnout (in a bad way)? I'm on a budget damnit, isn't there anything that would please you on a "guy who would rather buy car parts" budget?

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Don't plasmas have the ability to burnout (in a bad way)? I'm on a budget damnit, isn't there anything that would please you on a "guy who would rather buy car parts" budget?


Plasmas have improved extensively over the years... but still have a glass front and will reflect like crazy with lights on. . . which is why I've never really been into them. They also used to be bad for burning in images. . although they have supposedly improved on that. LCD's have a nice non-reflective surface and do not suffer from burn-in issues, and have great frame rates.


Just go out and get the cheapest HD LCD you can find and you will be amazed. Not that you aren't going to suffer some on quality of build and features/technology. . . but from an old CRT from 1999. . . even the cheapest LCD will be leaps and bounds above that TV.

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Don't plasmas have the ability to burnout (in a bad way)? I'm on a budget damnit, isn't there anything that would please you on a "guy who would rather buy car parts" budget?


They aren't that expensive, and the "burn in" problem has been all but elminated nowadays. There are models available with anti-glare screens if you tend to get alot of light bouncing off the screen as well.



Spend a week shopping and compare the picture, and high motion scenes, and you'll end up with one I promise.


A guy @ work just did the same thing, he literally tried 2 LCD's a Vizio Plasma and then swapped that for a Panasonic 50" plasma. (Sams club / Costco return policy ftw)

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You will be replacing a 10 year old tv. Anything you get is going be an improvement over the trinitron.


I have 4 flat screen TV's. 3 of the 4 are the same exact unit they are just different sizes 27", 21", and like a 14" for the office. These 3 are Toshiba LCD HD and they have the CD player built into the side of it. They are pimp and all have stands that bolt up to them foruse on a table. I just hung them up though.


I have had no rea problems with any of these 3 units probably because they are rarely used.


Now my main TV is a 5 year old 46" Samsung HD LCD. This has been a pretty good TV. I did have to replace the bulb about a year ago. the bulb only cost me around 125 dollars I think and its been going good ever since.


Going from having no HD to having HD is like getting glasses for the first when you needed them 10 years ago...

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Panasonic Plasma /thread. Pioneer is getting out of the market and Panny is taking over their market share through a deal they cut. Chances are they will get their technlogy into the next round.


Screen/quality wise, we're on what the 15th generation....'nuff said. Panny is golden and yes, I'm biased because I worked for them and know them very well. Burn in issues are gone.


Glass wise, most all of their new units use non-reflective glass that will challenge even the best LCD for glare reduction. Come see my 50" in a room lined with windows and it's perfect even mid-day.


Samsung does make some very nice LCD's too should you go that route. I like them better than the OEM Panny has.


Plasmas have improved extensively over the years... but still have a glass front and will reflect like crazy with lights on. . . which is why I've never really been into them. They also used to be bad for burning in images. . although they have supposedly improved on that. LCD's have a nice non-reflective surface and do not suffer from burn-in issues, and have great frame rates.


Just go out and get the cheapest HD LCD you can find and you will be amazed. Not that you aren't going to suffer some on quality of build and features/technology. . . but from an old CRT from 1999. . . even the cheapest LCD will be leaps and bounds above that TV.

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