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It's getting warmer, the theives are out


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Not true. I used to be a bad person when I was much younger and I can tell you that locked doors really didnt stop anything. Windows are easy to break and people in the area are slow to react. Dont worry, Ive already had my encounter with karma, I had all my cd's stolen out of my old car (doors unlocked) and then a few months ago I got my driver window on the nissan busted out but, nothing was taken because there was NOTHING in there to steal.


So your saying if you saw a few dollars worth of change when you were a "bad person" you would of just busted the window out to get it if the door was locked. I doubt it.

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Guest Removed
So your saying if you saw a few dollars worth of change when you were a "bad person" you would of just busted the window out to get it if the door was locked. I doubt it.


and i bet you he would...most anymore are just breaking into shit, to do it.


I had some fuckheads in my neighbor hood try some shit like this last week. you know what, i bet they dont come back around here again. I've been in the same hood for 6 years now. know just about all my neighbors, etc. well most know, dont fuck around over here, most every house around mine. has vets in them, with lots of toys etc. and theres this crazy white mother fucker on the corner real close to me. This SOB, caught these thiefs in a car around down the street in a car. Now there's 3 of them, looking thru cars, and getting in the ones that are unlocked. well they almost got someones stuff, but the crazy bastard started walking down there way and seen him. they all run to there car and take off ,but they wasnt going anywhere. its a dead end cul de sack, so he knew they was come right back by..he waited behind a minivan and when they sped past, a 5 pound sleg meet there windshield out of no where. right in front of the driver. i guess the hammer hit so hard it stuck, when they get to the corner, they push the hammer out of the windsheild and take the hell off. crazy shit..one time the guy across the street from me found someone in his yard, and held them there at gun point.

made this poor kid piss him self. all because he was trying to steal a lawn mower.:rolleyes: hell theres been many time i have left the keys in my truck all night...normally tho, dont have to many issues around here. I knowthere have been tons a of business break ins here lately tho. fucking crooks.

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So your saying if you saw a few dollars worth of change when you were a "bad person" you would of just busted the window out to get it if the door was locked. I doubt it.


That and shoes. It was just more of a fun thing really. Plus alot of the kids I hung out with did it for much less than a few bucks in change. But, we all grew up and had similar things happen to us. It was a hard lesson to learn I guess. LIke I said, I had my window busted out a few months ago and there was literally NOTHING in the car, it was completely empty. Its nice to put a little faith in people but, you gotta realize people are fucked up and dont give a shit.

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That and shoes. It was just more of a fun thing really. Plus alot of the kids I hung out with did it for much less than a few bucks in change. But, we all grew up and had similar things happen to us.



It usually happens that way... What comes around goes around. Believe me I have had my fair share of Karma visiting me. I was no angel and used to ride in stolen 3rd gen f-body's on the regular.


But I'm old now so I'm hoping i got no more bad Karma coming my way.

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I know I know I just want to believe I guess that if its locked it is a deterent. I'm crazy like that...


if they see something they want, they will take it.

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