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im at childerns hospital


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well i get a call tonight from my wife i need to meet here my youngeest son got hit in the eye with a paintball ( and she is about to plum lose it heartattack and all she cant handle stuff like this) so i meet here and i run 75-100 all the way there in a 55 zone . the docs check him out but dont know what to do and was thinking about sending him home . so i call a buddy and have him get the # for doc rogers here at ch and i make a call and get him on the phone and he wants me he asap so he can check him . now the reason i knew his name is he done eye suregy on him when he was 2 years old and he is 10 now and that went great . so we stop by the house and change clothes and grab a few things and haul ass here . the cant find any nerve damage but the cant see it very good with all the blood inside the eye but the cat scan showed good for no nerve damage . they said it would be several weeks befor he would be able to see very good if he will ever . he couldnt see at all when it first happened and 10 hours later he is starting to but not real clear so we are hoping and praying .so im here but probally wont get to see any of you all like i would love to .
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thanks . but wasnt playing paint ball ,my older son went out just shooting some trees in the back yard and when he was coming back in he dropped it and it went off and hit him in the eye .as much as i yell about gun safty this shit happens but i wasnt home my wofe was so i didnt see it happen
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That just sucks. Sounds like something my boys would do.....although it wouldn't be "dropped the gun" it would be he did it on purpose. I can hear it now "Daddy, I just wanted to see what it would do."


I would say that everything will return to normal once everything has a chance to shrug off the "trauma" from being blasted by a paintball.


Hope all goes well.

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I had this happen to me when I was 14 , thinking I was tuff I played with no mask or eye protection, I was peeking around a tree that BAM! all I remember is a spit second and the pain........ I could not see out of my eye for 3-4 days then it started to heal and it started to come back slowly, if he has no nerve damage it should heal just fine over time. I wish you the best.
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thanks guys he seems like he is seeing alittle more . but still dont know if any nerve damage still . there still to much blood in the eye to tell right now.


The human body is a amazing thing keep your head up and I hope everything works out.

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