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and to make this even better...



Tue Apr 14 2009 08:44:54 ET


AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry joined state Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”


Perry continued: "Millions of Texans are tired of Washington, DC trying to come down here to tell us how to run Texas."




A number of recent federal proposals are not within the scope of the federal government’s constitutionally designated powers and impede the states’ right to govern themselves. HCR 50 affirms that Texas claims sovereignty under the 10th Amendment over all powers not otherwise granted to the federal government.


It also designates that all compulsory federal legislation that requires states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties, or that requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding, be prohibited or repealed.






I doubt this link will live very long

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I can't wait to move south, hopefully I won't have to move back very soon. Gov. Perry's the man.

The only way I think there will be an extreme right revolt, is if they try to pass some kind of gun control right now. I read a few weeks ago about Missouri releasing something like this to the cops that never made the news, and it said to watch anyone who has a Ron Paul bumper sticker haha.

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