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Who has kids in school right now?

V8 Beast

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How many of you are dealing with bad teachers?


I've noticed that some teachers feel its not their job to teach the kids. I have two kids and their teachers are like night and day. My son gets straight A's and can do his homework in 30 minutes. His teacher keeps contact with us and tells us the good and the bad. He tells us what our son needs to work on and offered pointers to help us out if needed. My daughter (who in 2 grades lower than him) gets unsatisfactories and is sent home with up to 2 hours worth of homework every night. The communication is horrible and all we ever hear are bad things. I'm a firm believer in the fact that its suppose to be a partnership between the parents and teachers, but I swear my daughters teacher is just there for a paycheck. I wouldnt be surprised if she has so much homework because they only do a fraction of the agenda while in class. Over the last 3 months my wife and I have been able to get my daughter where she needs to be, but it would have been nice to have more help from the school.



We spent so long trying to work things out with that teacher and I just realized the school year is basically over :mad: Bad teachers ftl!



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My sons Algebra teacher feels that it is the student's responsibility to learn the lessons from the book, i.e., read the lessons themselves and not have her teach it. He isn't doing well, and I have had words with her.


My daughter issue is math as well. Its so bad my mother in law (that has her masters in education and has been teaching for 30 years) has gone to the school. Still no ownership on the teachers or principle part. I thought about going higher, but if the teacher gets in trouble I just see her doing less work instead of more...

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Just wait til they get a little older and the problem is texting girls/boys at 2am!!!


Not a worry, I have complete control over anything celllllllllllllular... litterally :p


j/k, I'm already prepared for that. Foot to ass will be my tool of choice.

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I am not saying this is you or anyone else in this thread, you have said you are more than willing to work with teachers and have done so (ie partnership).


But I have to say that some families put way to much pressure and responsiblity on the teacher. They never once help their son or daughter with their school work because its "the teachers job." It seems to always be the teachers fault and never the childs.


Again, I am not saying that the people here do not hold their children accountable but I think its a shame that teachers take so much bull shit when, in fact, the child could give two shits and its their own fault.


Sorry to go off topic.

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Brian, my little sister is a history teacher at Sycamore in Cincy... if you'd like, I can give you her number and maybe get some ideas from her as to how you can fill in the gaps so that your daughter doesn't fall behind. She's definitely smart, but if the teacher isn't into it... there may be things you can do at home to fill the void until she move on to a new teacher. I will say Holly can teach anyone, anything, except specialized science i.e. physics, chemistry, etc.... she may even be able to teach you how to drive :lol:
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I am not saying this is you or anyone else in this thread, you have said you are more than willing to work with teachers and have done so (ie partnership).


But I have to say that some families put way to much pressure and responsiblity on the teacher. They never once help their son or daughter with their school work because its "the teachers job." It seems to always be the teachers fault and never the childs.


Again, I am not saying that the people here do not hold their children accountable but I think its a shame that teachers take so much bull shit when, in fact, the child could give two shits and its their own fault.


Sorry to go off topic.


You are right on topic. My wife and I were talking about what was going to happen if we dont get my daughter caught up and quick. What would happend is she would be the kid later in life that doesnt car.


Each kid has to be treated differently and will learn at a different pace. Even if they have will issues, a good teacher will try to teach through it. From what I've seen the kids that dont care are the same ones that were left behind by mistake... Its basically people that dont give two shits teaching people that give two shits. Thats what I want to avoid.

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she may even be able to teach you how to drive :lol:


I drive an auto, everyone knows its gas, brake, dip :cool:


I have the mother in law working on it. Shes been teaching for 30 years and has seen many of my daughter in her day. Seems to be helping...

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1st.. and thats what I said. Its not every night, but some nights she'll come home with 6 pages of math work, and 3 reading assignments :confused:

Wow...that seems like a lot...my son is 3rd grade in Hilliard (Ridgewood) and he has 2 math assignments at most a night..some reading and some type of writing..You wouldn't think they would vary that much..

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