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Doc's Open House -- patience!


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A lot of you have been asking when I'm going to host the meet I promised to have at the new garage in Delaware. I had been hoping for a warm Saturday in March or April without a conflict with other events. This Saturday it's forecast to reach 70 in the afternoon but is expected to be overcast and drop into the high 40's in the evening.


I want to hold off for better weather -- I'm tired of standing around freezing at meets! I also haven't picked up my second JDM car yet although it's in Canada and ready to be driven here. I wanted to have both of them on hand for you to see.


So, if you'll bear with me, I'll try to make it worth the wait. There is still a plan for free food, music, a number of rare cars committed to show, even a mobile dyno is tentatively scheduled at either a reduced rate or free. Quite a few CR sponsors plan to bring cars, as have two local high-line dealerships.


It will be on an upcoming Saturday from 3 until 8, with food from 5 to 6:30. I'm not going to announce it until the Thursday before -- theory being that a two-day forecast for good weather is better than just a guess. It will NOT be this weekend or next weekend (NTR auto-x).


So, watch Meetings & Events for the announcement. As always, you're always welcome to drop by and use the space for working on/cleaning cars. I have no lifts and very limited tools, but otherwise it is accomodating. Phone me first 740-405-5565. I'm nearly always around Thursday through Sunday.

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Now if that not a hook up or a nice guy I dunno what is.


+rep for Doc!



How dare you molest that jem! :D seriously tho.....kinda gettin pumped for this event. It cant be the weekend of May 2. I wont be in town! If i miss this im going to cry.


Same as my position, Ill be on a bachelor trip...

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....It cant be the weekend of May 2. I wont be in town! If i miss this im going to cry.


Hold the tears ..... it's unlikely to be the weekend of the 2nd because the sponsor bringing the dyno is not available that weekend and another enthusiastic sponsor has his guard duty that weekend. The first available day is looking to be May 9th, weather permitting. Check the Meetings & Events thread around the 6th or 7th to confirm, though.


And ...... pray for good weather :)

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Well ..... you can bring your car over right now, pretend to put it on the dyno, rev it up ..... and I'll guess how much torque and horsepower it made .....


Finally someone can give me a precise measurement. Thanks Doc !

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Sounds like it's going to be fun Doc. Any chance of an awd dyno? lolz


Yep, they can do AWD. There will be a small surcharge for it ..... I imagine 10 or 20 bucks, but I haven't heard from the dyno guys exactly how much.


Two pulls in a rear wheel drive car will be free. Dyno will probably be there and available 3-6 p.m. They hope to do about 3 cars/hour (nothing fancy), but you'll get a printout.


They still have to survey the lot to make sure there is a very level spot for their set-up. It may have to be closer to the garage than I wanted, but people wanting to escape the noise can go into the building. They are being super to do this for us. I'll mention the business name when it's confirmed ..... I don't want any cancellation to reflect badly on them (it would be my fault if there's a cancellation).

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