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Kenny's Memorial Site


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I guess my ex gf was at his site about a couple weeks ago and the cops that were called to the scene on mar 17th were there, and they said eventually they will have to take all the stuff down so the city can mow. The grass was just mowed this past week and they did perfectly fine cutting around everything. But can they do that? Just remove everything? Ive seen lots of other memorials out there and they still have the cross and other stuff there as well and those have been there for years. Why remove kenny stuff? I really hope they wont because there will be alot of pissed of people. Anybody know anything about this?
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as bad as this is going to sound...i am guessing it is on city land, and or easement property owned by someone. that means if they really want to, yeah they can remove it. on that note, see if you can find who mows it, and contact them and have them mow around it problem solved.



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alright i will. Thanks! Like i said, they have mowed already around it so we'll see what happens. But i am going to find out whos property that is and ask them. I live like 1 block from there so im there and drive past it quite often.
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That seems dumb, there are some that have been there for ever. There is one on 161 that has rocks around it and flowers and everything. That one has been there for at least 2 or 3 years.


yeah that one is nice. I would like to do that with kennys, but i know even right now hes looking down on all of us and his memorial saying u guys are all fags..WTF? ...u know? But it would be nice to have something like that at kennys. DAMN I MISS HIM!

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Its odd that you would ask "they can just remove it". Most likely from seeing its location, it will be the city. The other memorials that I have seen with longevity are those whom erectors have gone time and time again to erect them. Eventually the mower will be tired of getting off the mower each time to move it himself and he cant legally mow over it being so close to the thoroughfare. If you really want to see something last, erect something with both taste and ease use(I dont know whats set up now). An easily replaceable cross stained or painted nicely is more likely to let fly than some santo rios candles from the mexican store and a 40 of malt liquour. You can make a nice little cross out of 2x4's or 4x4's which noone has to know that was what was used, a 10 cent dowel rod a 50 cent rattle can paint and you have yourself a non offensive easily replaced memorial which will blend in. All for less than $1.00 and 15 mins. There are many other ways of making a roadside memorial which can be done easily as well.
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Some that I've seen that are nice and in place are flat stones with engravings on them. We could put together a collection, buy it and then it simply would lay flush with the grass so the city can mow and not be interferred with at all.
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